Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

Impact by Serving

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Matthew 22:37-39 

Love Your Neighbor is an initiative focused on impacting the lives of other people with the love of Jesus by serving them. Each House Church is asked to commit to carry out at least one project together. 

To begin, as a House Church family, identify someone in the local community who has a need, select a date to meet the need, and determine a plan to meet the need. It is important that all details of the project are clearly communicated to all in your House Church and that there is a role for everyone to participate. Below is a list of ideas to help your House Church brainstorm ways to meet a need together. Once the project and details have been determined, please submit them so we are able to share and celebrate the stories of how God used our House Churches to make an impact by serving others. 

Your Projects

Trunt Or Treat




Christmas Store





Identify someone in your House Church or a family in your neighborhood/community/city with a fixed income. Offer to pay for some of this month’s utilities or some other burdensome bill (medical, automotive, etc.).

Identify a single working mom(s) or even an elderly individual/couple in your neighborhood/community/city and provide a week's worth of groceries or complete a home improvement project (lawn maintenance, painting, simple home repairs) they may have difficulty completing on their own.

Contact a coach or teacher of a local school and ask for their help identifying students with needs. Ideas could include purchasing everyday items such as shoes, school uniforms, outerwear, or school supplies.

Each House Church member commits to randomly and privately pay for someone else’s meal at a restaurant. In place of the bill, have the wait staff deliver a note to the person’s table that includes a verse of encouragement. If your House Church wants to go out to dinner as a group, give the wait staff an “above-and-beyond” tip. 

Each House Church member commits to show love to their mail carrier or sanitation worker. Inside the mailbox or on top of your garbage can, leave a thank you note with a verse of encouragement and a gift card.

Buy multiple $25-$50 gift cards to a local restaurant and deliver them to a group of nurses, a police department, or a fire station. Thank them for the time they spend away from their own families to serve others.