The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

Author: Heather Williams
Oct 11, 2022 | Matthew 20:1-16

In this parable, Jesus uses an example of workers who are hired to work in a vineyard. The landowner offers them all the same pay upon hire, although he knows some will work longer than others. When I think about this vineyard job, I imagine it was not your average “work.” It states in the parable that it was scorching hot, and I bet they never once took a break. It was disclosed to each and every worker what their pay would be for their day’s work.

However, by the end of the day, the workers hired in the early morning began to believe they were being paid unfairly as opposed to those who had only worked a few hours that evening. They surely thought they deserved much more money for their labor ALTHOUGH they had already been told UP FRONT what they would be offered.

In the Bible, Jesus loves to use parables to determine who was really HEARING what he was saying as opposed to those who were just LISTENING. If we flip around the titles of the landowner and workers, we see a representation of Jesus (Landowner) and us (Jesus’ workers). That makes sense, right!? But what is the exact message here? Let’s think about the gift (our payment) that Jesus offers up to every single person who puts their trust in Him, the gift of eternal life in Heaven. Jesus offers this gift to everyone, including the neighbor who struggles with alcohol addiction, depression, etc. There is no given time that you have to “work” for this payment. Like in the parable, Jesus’ offer is given at any time, no matter how young or old a person is. No matter how long they’ve believed in Him or how long they’ve worked to further His Kingdom. He only asks one thing of us - to turn from our sinful ways and trust in Jesus. We all know up front what our payment will be in the end - a home in Heaven with our Father.

Just like in the parable, sometimes we can see God’s gift given to people who we may think are undeserving. When we look at the story of the thief on the cross, we wonder if it is really that simple. Will Jesus “remember” me in Heaven if I ask Him to? The answer to that is YES! Just moments before the thief died, he said to Jesus, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” It floors me how any believer can feel differently about others receiving God’s amazing gift, but the enemy works in mysterious ways.

I pray that every addict, every thief, every young person, and every older person will repent and believe in Jesus Christ and meet me in Heaven! Your fair payment is waiting, and you just have to accept it.

  • Do you feel like God is blessing someone undeserving? Reflect on that and let the Holy Spirit change your heart. Jesus sees all his sons and daughters equally. The gift of eternal life is offered to EACH AND EVERY ONE of us. Ask God to soften your heart and see the blessing that God is sharing EQUALLY.
  • Are you really hearing what God is saying in the Bible, or are you only listening? Be intentional with your Bible reading! Don’t just read God’s Word; study it and discuss it with others! It took me a long time to write this devotional. I had to dig into my thoughts on this parable and reach out to my community of believers. I received all sorts of different views!
  • Share the news of God’s gift with someone this week. Let them know they have a “payment” waiting, but they must accept it and believe Jesus died for them!

Family Application: Laborers in the Vineyard

Author: Amy Stampley

  • Today in Matthew, we are reading a story that compares workers in the field to the kingdom of God. The story describes how different workers worked in the fields for a different number of hours of the day; some worked long hours while others worked only an hour or two, but the landowner paid them all the same amount of money. This story teaches us that Jesus says we cannot earn our way into Heaven by the number of hours we work or through our position or status. Jesus is generous to all of us that believe in Him. He offers each of us the gift of life with Him forever.
  • Isn’t it great to know that we don’t have to do any specific works to earn our way into the Kingdom of God? God loves us all and wants to give us all the gift of eternal life!
  • Share the experience of God’s love with someone this week. Tell them that God loves us all the same, whether you are someone of high status in the world or even a young child.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for teaching us so many truths through Your Word. Thank You for being so generous to all of us who choose to follow You. God, give me the courage to tell a friend how much You love them this week. Amen.

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