Lead Team

Lead Team

2024 Lead Team Class

Cooper Herrington Testimony

Training Kingdom Builders

The mission and purpose of LEAD Team is to build up the next generation of kingdom builders. LEAD Team is an eleven-month apprentice program that immerses participants in the Venture Church culture while helping them explore the ministry calling God has placed on their lives.

The goals of LEAD Team are:
  • To lead participants to a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ by increasing their knowledge of, nurturing their love for, & developing their fellowship of Jesus Christ.
  • To give participants a broad knowledge of ministry through the ministries of Venture Church.
  • To provide a classroom & hands-on ministry experience that will help each person determine a calling to vocational ministry.


LEAD Team is a great opportunity for anyone feeling called to ministry that they would like to explore through first-hand ministry experience at Venture Church. LEAD Team is designed for any adult seeking knowledge and experience in vocational ministry, whether they are a recent college graduate or a seasoned professional feeling the Lord calling them to ministry. The pre-requisites for LEAD Team are as follows:

  • Exhibit a desire to explore a call to ministry
  • Exhibit and possess a reputation for Christ-like character (Matthew 5:6).
  • Exhibit and possess a reputation for a strong work ethic.
  • Exhibit a skill set and giftedness relative to a call in ministry.
  • Possess at least an associate's degree.
  • Be of college graduate age.
  • Must agree with the mission, vision, & core values of Venture Church
  • Must agree and adhere to our Statement of Beliefs

The LEAD Program is an 11 month commitment, from June 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025

There is a non-refundable $25 application fee. Each participant will be responsible for their own lodging, transportation, and meals throughout the duration of their apprenticeship.

A typical week is around 40 hours. The schedule will consist of certain set hours (e.g., classroom training each Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & Sunday worship experiences) and a number of flexible hours depending on the ministry area in which you participate. Some weeks may require more than 40 hours and some weeks fewer.

We will work with and encourage individuals who desire to start the seminary process while participating in the program. Due to time constraints, it would need to be as an online student.

Each participant will receive a stipend of $785 bi-monthly, paid on the 15th and last day of each month.

All participants must have at least an associate's degree and college graduate age. In rare cases, some exceptions can be made in regard to degree and age.

No. We will, however, assist you in any way that we can through interview training, resume writing, and possible contacts.

Participants get two weeks paid time off subject to approval.

No. The LEAD Program will require you to be actively involved in the ministries of Venture Church.

You will receive an overview of all ministry areas. There will also be theological, doctrinal, and philosophical training.

  • All applications and references must be turned in by February 28, 2024.
  • Upon receipt of your application, the evaluation team will begin the selection process based on your application.
  • If you advance to the next round of selection, you will be contacted via email or phone concerning scheduling an interview during the month of March.
  • After interviews, the 2024 LEAD Class will be announced.

Contact Us

For more information, questions, or concerns regarding LEAD Team, please reach out to the contacts below.

Tracie Lott, tracie@venturechurch.org