Holy Week Family Guide: The Triumphal Entry

Holy Week Family Guide: The Triumphal Entry

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 24, 2024 | Matthew 21:1-11


Matthew 21:1-11


It’s Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week! Holy Week is a special time before Easter when we can spend extra time thinking about what Jesus did for us while He was on earth. On the Sunday before Easter, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate a festival called Passover. On this trip, Jesus also made a triumphal or victorious entry into the city!

Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem looked a little different than His other trips. Jesus told His disciples exactly where to find a donkey that He could ride into the city. When Jesus rode the colt into Jerusalem, there was a giant crowd of people. The excited people grabbed coats and branches to spread them over the road and waved them in the air to praise Jesus. They welcomed Him into the city like a hero! A king! The people shouted “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” Hosanna means, "Save us!" The Jewish people thought Jesus had come to rescue them from the Roman government because they didn't treat the Jewish people well. 

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, it was a sign of victory and peace. It meant the battle was over, but Jesus wasn't there to rescue the Jewish people from the government; He came to save His people from sin and death! The reason we call today Triumphal Entry is because Jesus came into Jerusalem in a special way to show the people that He claimed victory over sin and death! And in a few days, Jesus' death and resurrection would make a way for salvation (rescue), from something far greater than the Roman government. Jesus was not only offering to save them but also offering them a relationship with Him that would last forever! Jesus came so that we could know, love, and follow Him! 

This week, we'll continue reading about what Jesus did the week before Easter. As we read, think about why Jesus came, what He did for us, and what He wants to give us. Remember that Jesus comes to us to give us victory over sin and death so that we can relationship with Him! See you tomorrow!


  • Q: Why do we call today Palm Sunday?
  • A: The reason we call today Palm Sunday is because people spread palm branches on the road and them in the air to praise Jesus. 
  • Spend some time worshiping God and telling Him, “Thank You!” Go to the Venture Worship playlist on Spotify and spend time singing out to God.  


God, thank You for sending Jesus. We love to praise You, God! Lord, help me find one person today to tell about Jesus and what happened on Palm Sunday. God, we love You. Amen.  

Find more content every day this week at the [HIS]tory: Journey Through Holy Week webpage.

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