A Spectacular Experience
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A Spectacular Experience

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Feb 21, 2023 | Mark 9

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Many times, the work of God is spectacular in ways we truly cannot explain or understand. Have you ever experienced that? I know that our family has on more than one occasion, and those experiences have helped shape our view, understanding, and faith in God Almighty. The way He works, the 'why' behind His working and even how He chooses to accomplish His will can be astonishing, and it creates stories for us to share with others of His power, His might, and His glory.

On the heels of the Pharisees begging for more evidence that Jesus is who He says He is, Jesus takes Peter and John up to a mountain for the ultimate spectacular and astonishing experience. He allowed them to SEE His glory! Together with Moses (who represented the Law of God) and Elijah (who represented the prophets), Jesus confirmed His WORD and His fulfillment of it. He had come to fulfill the Law and the prophecies – He had come as the Promised Messiah, the Savior of the world.

What Jesus demonstrated during this holy encounter is the how – how He would suffer for the sake of God's global glory. His own suffering would be the ultimate payment for the sins of all people, and by the shedding of His own blood, those who would put their faith in His finished work would be justified to a Holy God. Jesus would become the substitution.

And there's Peter and John seeing the actual GLORY OF GOD right before their eyes! They almost missed it, like literally took a nap. But in His kindness and in the beauty of His friendship with them... Jesus let them SEE it!

  • How has Jesus let you SEE His power in action?
  • When have you gotten a glimpse into the GLORY OF GOD right before your eyes?

We do not need to dilute the transfiguration of Jesus to a comparison of human understanding, BUT we also cannot disregard the power of Christ given to us through the Holy Spirit. We have not seen the glory of God in its fullness, but we have experienced the glory of God in our lives. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead – solidifying that transfiguration – is alive and active in us!

If you cannot point to a time when you have seen God’s power at work:

  • Check your connection with God, beginning with ensuring you have put your faith in Jesus and surrendered to Him as Lord and Savior of your life!
  • Ask God to take the blinders off. Perhaps you have become cynical - ask Him to forgive you. Perhaps you have been so caught up in your own activities that you miss the work of God in your life - ask Him to forgive you.
  • Ask God to help you believe HIS POWER is truly at work inside of you! And then act in a way that displays that glory to those around you.
  • How has Jesus let you SEE His power in action? When have you gotten a glimpse into the GLORY OF GOD right before your eyes?
  • Check your connection with God, beginning with ensuring you have put your faith in Jesus and surrendered to Him as Lord and Savior of your life.
  • As you pray this week:
    • Ask God to take the blinders off and ask Him to forgive you.
    • Ask God to help you believe HIS POWER is truly at work inside of you, and then act in a way that displays that glory to those around you.
Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.

Family Application: Mark 9

Author: Ashley Prima

Being a leader is important, but being a follower of good leaders is just as important. In Mark 9, Jesus teaches us about leadership in His kingdom. He explains to the disciples that we should serve others as He did.

When the disciples were fighting over who was the greatest, Jesus cut them short. He told them that leadership in His kingdom is not about power but service. Jesus is the best teacher, and we can learn to be great leaders by following His example and His teachings.

  • Who do you follow in your life? Do you follow people who will lead you in good ways or do you follow people who will lead you in bad ways? How do you want to lead?
  • Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, for leading me. Thank You for being a good leader and teaching me to serve others. Help me serve others as You did so that I can be more like You. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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