Advent: Abounding in Love

Advent: Abounding in Love

Author: Niki Parker
Dec 16, 2024 | Exodus 34:6-7

Welcome back to our special Advent edition of the Daily Devos. Advent means “the arrival.” It is a way to look back and celebrate the Son of God coming to earth to be born as a baby in a manger while we also look forward to His second coming when creation will be redeemed and restored. Through December, we invite you to experience Advent in your own story.

Each week, we will discover a theme or a promise seen in the birth of Jesus that carries us through the “already not yet” as we await the arrival of His eternal Kingdom. This week we are looking at the promise of LOVE.

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God. 

What a life Moses had! From a baby floating down the Nile to a privileged prince in the palace of Pharoah. From a young man tortured by the injustice around him to the very messenger of God. Moses grew in favor with God and men. Moses’ prayer was to see the glory of God. Moses desired to experience God’s presence personally.

In verse 4, we see that “Moses chiseled out two stone tablets and took them up Mount Sinai as the Lord had commanded him to do.” The very commandments of God (ten to be exact) would be written on these stone tablets. Once Moses arrived on Mount Sinai, verse 5 tells us that “the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there proclaiming His name, the Lord.” This was the answer to Moses’ prayer - to be in the very presence of his God.

Verse 6 gives an incredible word. “As He (God) passed in front of Moses, He proclaimed “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness…”

Moses asked to see God’s glory. What is God’s glory? It is God’s character, His nature, His way of relating to His creation. Notice that God did not give Moses a vision of His power and majesty, but rather of His love. God says that He is “abounding in love.” The word abounding means plentiful, abundant. God doesn’t leave Moses or us, for that matter, guessing. He lets us know that His LOVE is plentiful, abundant, and will never run out. We can experience His abundant love through the life of His Son, Jesus. We can respond and give glory to God when our character resembles His.

We can get to know God and His character through His Word. When we get better acquainted with Him, He will show us the depth of His character. When we experience His abounding love, we will strive to shape our own character after His. As God’s abounding love fills our heart, soul, and mind, we will become equipped to share that abundant love with others.

What a life Moses had! He stood in the presence of the Almighty God as the Lord revealed his character, His glory. Moses experienced God personally!

Let’s fast forward to the New Testament and the birth of the Savior of the world, Jesus. All who talked and walked with Jesus stood in the very presence of God. They experienced God personally through His Son. Today, we can experience God personally through the Holy Spirit that was given to us from the Father of Heaven and earth.

This is abounding love – He never stops giving out of His abundance. He gave Himself in a cloud to Moses. He gave Himself in His Son, Jesus. He gives Himself to us in His Spirit. All to assure us that He is always with us! All because of His abundant, plentiful, abounding LOVE for each and every one of us!

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Have you ever longed to see the face of God? What might that experience be like? Would you sing and dance with joy in His presence? Would you sit at His feet in awe? Would you ask all the questions and wait patiently for His answers? Just sit with your thoughts for a while and see where the Spirit leads you.
  • How can your love be shaped into an abounding love with the people in your life?
  • Prayer: Our Loving Father, how gracious You are with us. When Your people cry out for Your presence, You come bringing love and compassion. Your love leads You to forgiveness and faithfulness even when we do not deserve it. Please continue to reveal Your character through Your Word. Let us not miss a thing that You have for us. May we abound in the selfless love that You so freely give. In the matchless Name of Jesus - Amen.
  • Find more Advent tools and resources at

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