Advent: Let’s Be His Reflection

Advent: Let’s Be His Reflection

Author: Niki Parker
Dec 19, 2024 | John 1:6-13

Welcome back to our special Advent edition of the Daily Devos. Advent means “the arrival.” It is a way to look back and celebrate the Son of God coming to earth to be born as a baby in a manger while we also look forward to His second coming when creation will be redeemed and restored. Through December, we invite you to experience Advent in your own story.

Each week, we will discover a theme or a promise seen in the birth of Jesus that carries us through the “already not yet” as we await the arrival of His eternal Kingdom. This week we are looking at the promise of LOVE.

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God. 

It’s so good to be back with you again. This week we are exploring scripture that illuminates God’s abounding love and the light He sent into the world through His Son, Jesus. Let’s continue reading the Book of John.

Jesus’ disciple, John, has given evidence that Jesus has always been present with His Father and that Jesus is the light of the world that brings life. Verse 6 introduces us to someone sent as a witness to testify about the “light of the world.”

Verses 6 and 7 say, “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through Him (Jesus) all men might believe.”

The word “witness” in verse 7 highlights our role as reflectors of Christ’s light. We are never to present ourselves as “the light” to others, but we are always to point them to Jesus, just as John did.

The John we read about in these verses is John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin. John was born before Jesus, and his mission was to make way for the coming Messiah. John was the wild and enthusiastic voice that told all who would listen about the light of the world that was coming. Jesus Christ is the one, true light. John was a reflection of that light. We can also reflect the light of Jesus to the world. Jesus helps us see our way to God. He lived a life that modeled how to walk the path of righteousness. Jesus chose to reflect His light through His disciples and followers to an unbelieving world, and He still chooses to reflect His light through those who follow Him today.

Verse 10 tells us that “He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him.” Although the world was created through Jesus, the world and the people in it didn’t recognize who He was. Verse 11 shows us that even the people chosen by God to prepare the rest of the world for the Messiah did not receive Him, although the entire Old Testament pointed to Jesus’ coming. We have to be on guard and aware so that we don’t miss the very Savior we have been waiting for.

All who welcome Jesus as Lord of their lives are reborn spiritually, receiving new life from God. Through faith in Christ, this new birth changes us from the inside out – rearranging and shaping our attitudes, desires, and motives. Being born makes you physically alive and places you in your parents’ family (verse 13). Being born of God makes you spiritually alive and puts you in God’s family (verse 12). Have you asked Jesus to be the light in your life? He can come into your life and make you a new creation. This new life is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Just like the moon’s light is a reflection of the sun, our lives can be a bright and illuminating reflection of the light generated by the SON, Jesus. What do you want to reflect to the world?
  • How can you be a “witness that testifies concerning the Light of the World”? What do you have to share about your relationship with Jesus? Who can you share your testimony with?
  • Prayer: Dear Lord, let us be reflections of Your Light in this world. Through faith in Christ, Your love changes us from the inside out. May we be a witness of Your love and light. Thank You that we can be born again spiritually and come alive as part of Your family, as Your son or daughter. Please give us opportunities to enthusiastically testify to Your abundant love.
    In the Powerful Name of Jesus, I pray – Amen.
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