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Author: Kelly Lambert
Mar 23, 2023 | Luke 15

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

We all can say we have lost something that we thought we would never find. For me, it's my wallet, car keys, glasses, or anything of importance that I need at the time. I’m the type that gets everyone involved in looking too! My family hates it because that means they must stop what they are doing and help me find it. Let me tell you, it is an all-out blitz. When it is found, the tension in the air leaves and everyone is excited and relieved that Dad is not frustrated anymore.

I love how Jesus uses the two stories in this chapter, the Lost Sheep and the Lost Silver Coin, to describe how intentional, urgent, and determined He is when seeking others to come to know, love, and follow Him. Through these stories, Jesus is telling us that He is not seeking those who have it all together, but He is here for the lost.
Not too long ago, I spoke to a close friend of mine who owns and operates two businesses with six different locations. I asked him, “How do you lead and manage all of your employees?” He told me God taught him to see them through grace-filled eyes. He followed it up by saying that it is only by the grace of God that He can lead them. He said, “God sees all our mess, but He loves us anyway.” This is the way in which he strives to lead his teams – by grace.

This is the type of God we have! He knows who we are, all our mess, all our shame, all our guilt, and all our weaknesses. He looks for us anyway! He is patiently waiting, eagerly looking, and determined to find us so that He can celebrate with us and rejoice in our return!

For any of us already in the family of God, we may feel like our prayers are only going ceiling high. Listen to His words! “My son/daughter, the father said, ‘You are always with me, and everything I have is yours.’” Luke 15:31. Listen to that! He is always with us and ready to help us! Let this encourage you today and help you to step in the grace, peace, and love of Jesus!

  • Take a look at your phone contact list and look for the names of friends or family that you haven’t spoken to in a long while. Send them a simple “Hello” text. This may be the one person that God has placed in your circle for you to contact so that a relationship could be restored, not only with you but with Jesus. We never know the impact a simple kind gesture can make.
  • Where do you see yourself in the story of the Lost Son, Luke 15:11-31? Are you the rebellious son or the older brother? After you decide who relate to in this story, place yourself in the story, reread the passage, and listen to the Father’s words to you. Reflect on this and thank Him for revealing Himself to you.
  • Prayer: God, we love You! Thank You for waiting on us and never ceasing to look for us! Help us, God, to love others how You love us. Help us to see others how You see them and love others how You love them!
Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.

Family Application: Luke 15

By: Kelly Lambert

My family and I love to be together. This is what I think about when I read Luke 15. Jesus tells us stories of things that were lost but then were found. He also tells of how He celebrates when His children are all back together. In the busy time that we live in now, we have all the team sports, school activities, family traditions, and all the other functions that families must attend. As a Father, I can understand the father Jesus talks about in the story. I can’t imagine the worry he felt not knowing where his son was, but I can tell you I would have celebrated the same way if my son left and then came back home! The relief of knowing everyone was home and safe that night had to feel good.

As a family, this is the image of God that I know my wife and I try to portray to our kids, that no matter what our kids do we will always love them and help them. Our kids know we are weak and know that we are not perfect, but they know we’ve got them!

I know deep down this is what God wants for all His children to know - that no matter what, He loves us! This one thing we can agree on, God is Love.

  • In the next week, find time as a family to do nothing but be in each other’s presence. During that time, go around the table and share ways that you are thankful for one another. Finish by praying and thanking God for time together as a family. Ask God to help make time as a family a priority.
  • Prayer: Lord, thank You for your unconditional, inexplicable love. Help us to be confident in knowing that Your love will endure any mistakes we could ever make because You are our perfect Father. Amen.

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