Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.
Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you had a wise response or a sharp, witty comment, but instead you were speechless? ...But, the words didn’t come in time, and hours later you replay the conversation in your head with many great ideas of things you should have said. This never happened to Jesus. Read the scripture. He was perfect, and He always had the right thing to say - whether through stories or in response to a question that was meant to stump him. We can learn more about Jesus by reading the accounts of Him found in scripture. One example of this can be found in Luke 19.
Luke 19:45-46 says “Then Jesus went into the Temple and began to drive out the merchants saying to them, “It is written in the Scriptures that God said My Temple will be a house of prayer. But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves!”
You’ve probably heard this story before. Jesus went to the Temple and he saw that people were exploiting the place of worship to sell items and cheat people out of their money. When Jesus saw this, He was filled with righteous anger. He flipped tables and called the money changers thieves! We are reminded - Jesus is not okay with sin. Jesus is not okay when we pervert the Gospel. When we turn against Him and disobey Him, it breaks His heart. He desires our affections and our obedience. Jesus expressed this truth in many different encounters throughout scripture.
In the next chapter, Jesus speaks against the religion of the Law, the Pharisees, and Sadducees, in Luke 20:46-47. “Be on your guard against the teachers of the Law, who like to walk about in their long robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplace, who choose the reserved seats on the synagogues and the best places at feasts, who take advantage of widows and rob them of their homes, and they make a show of saying long prayers! Their punishment will be all the worse!”
Here Jesus is speaking about a group of people who could literally quote from memory the whole Torah! This is a group of men who’ve spent their entire lives dedicated to learning God’s word, yet they still missed the whole point. Jesus knew that and could call them out on their sinful ways in a way that presented the truth plainly. These religious leaders hated Him for calling them out and speaking with authority. He saw through to their hearts. Just like the Pharisees, we cannot simply present ourselves in a way that looks Holy. We can’t lie to God. He sees the posture of our hearts and if our actions are for Him or for ourselves. Jesus was and is not impressed with empty actions. We must have humility and come to Jesus with a servant’s heart. It’s not about us, it’s about Him.
Spend time saying this prayer today: “God, Give me wisdom in the words I speak to others to influence them for your Glory. Let my actions and words reflect You and Your Will. And help me to stay away from a selfish, dishonest life that values empty words, titles, and power over a real genuine walk with Christ.”
Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
- Use the S.O.A.P. Method to study God’s Word.
- SCRIPTURE: What stands out to you in today’s passage?
- OBSERVATION: What is this text saying? What is the context? How does it fit with the verses before and after it? Are there any commands, instructions, or promises?
- APPLICATION: How can you apply this verse to your life? What does this mean today? What is God saying to you?
- PRAYER: Respond to the passage in prayer. Ask God to help you apply this truth to your life and spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.
The Way of Jesus: 7 Marks of Discipleship
As we begin a new series, we encourage you to lean into the 7 Marks of Discipleship each week. The 7 Marks of Discipleship provide a simple tool to help us identify areas where we are thriving in our calling and where we can grow. Check here each week for a new 7 Marks Challenge that will encourage you to follow Jesus closer every day.