Lifting up a Brother or Sister in Christ

Lifting up a Brother or Sister in Christ

Author: Ty Park
Oct 18, 2024 | Romans 15:1-13

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 

Life can present challenges that weigh us down, leading to feelings of isolation and discouragement. In those moments, it’s crucial to remember that we are part of a community, the body of Christ. Each of us has a role to play in lifting each other up. Paul’s message reminds us to be intentional about encouraging one another, especially those who may be struggling. 

Consider the power of your words and actions. A simple act of kindness, a supportive message, or a listening ear can make a world of difference in someone’s life. Just as we seek comfort and hope in our own lives, we have the opportunity to be that source of encouragement for others. 

Also, reflect on areas in your life where you might need to lean into God’s hope. Trust that He is working, even when circumstances seem tough. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with His joy and peace.  

As you go through your week, remember that you are part of a community of believers here at Venture Church. Encourage one another, share hope, and allow the joy of the Lord to overflow in your life. Together, we can build each other up in faith and love. 

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • This week, take time to reach out to someone who may need a boost of hope. It could be a friend, family member, or even a colleague.
  • Send a note, make a phone call, or invite them for coffee. Share a verse that has encouraged you and let them know you’re thinking of them. 
  • Prayer: Lord, thank You for the hope we find in You. Help us to be instruments of encouragement and support for one another. Fill us with Your joy and peace so that we may overflow with hope to those around us. May our lives reflect Your love and grace in everything we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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