Recharge Your Faith Journey
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Recharge Your Faith Journey

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Feb 2, 2024 | James 1:1-8

Begin with 2 minutes of stillness and silence before God.

James 1 is one of those chapters that can simultaneously encourage, convict, and challenge me! I love going to James as a recharge for my walk with Christ.

As we continue our journey of prayer and fasting, I believe James 1:1-8 can provide a dynamic guide for prayer. Throughout your day, use this passage to prompt deep and honest prayers:

  • God, I trust you in the trials. You have entrusted this to me for this season and I know you are with me in it. Give me the courage to see this time as a season of growth, and show my heart how there is pure joy in YOU! As I walk through this trial, I pray you will grow my faith and develop in me a perseverance that brings honor and glory to you.
  • God, as you are growing my perseverance, I trust that it is also growing my dependence on you, the author and perfector of my faith. As you work, I trust that you are building in me a faith that lacks nothing!
  • God, grant me wisdom – Your word says that you will give it generously, and I pray you will give it generously to me. I want the wisdom to follow You faithfully, to lead my family well, and to honor You with my life. I believe You, God and I believe IN You. Thank you for being the God who is true, faithful, just, and holy. Thank you for also being kind and full of grace and forgiveness.
Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.

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Family Devo: James 1:1-8

By: Lauren Strickland

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.   

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  

What is joy? How is it different than happiness? Why do you think James tells us to consider it a great joy when hard things happen to us?

Tell me about a hard thing you or your family or a friend faced. Can you think of any ways that going through that thing made you stronger or wiser? Maybe brought you closer together? When we trust God through hard things, He has a way of making us stronger, wiser, and closer to Him and others. That’s something to have joy about! 

One of the best ways I find joy on hard and dark days is to pause and give thanks to God for all the good things I can see around me even in the midst of hard things. How do you see God showing His love in your life today?

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