Radical Generosity

Radical Generosity

Author: Blake Houston
Nov 25, 2024 | Galatians 6:1-5

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Hey everyone! Welcome to another week of Daily Devos. I’m so excited to be spending this time with you as we experience God’s Word together.

Today, we are looking at a defining feature of who we are as Venture Church: Generosity. As a church family, we commit to being radically generous with our time, talents, and treasures. Paul was also committed to that, and we can see his passion for developing generous believers at the end of his letter to the Galatians.

Now, if you read today’s verses, you might be saying, “Blake, I know you said we’re supposed to be talking about generosity, but these 5 verses don’t mention money, giving, or anything like that. Are we in the right place?”

And the answer to that would be YES. You are. The opening verses of Galatians 6 open with a powerful call to community – a community that is marked by generosity. Yet, this generosity is about more than sharing possessions with those around you (which is certainly a central part of generosity). It’s about being generous in sharing our time and our effort, as well. One of the reasons why we can struggle so much with being generous is that we’re not starting in the right headspace. We think that generosity is simply a financial transaction to be accomplished.

But Paul would say otherwise. To him, generosity doesn’t begin in the financial; it begins in the relational.

If you grew up in the church (like I did), you know that we often jump straight to giving financially. But generosity is first and foremost an attitude—a willingness to see others’ needs and respond. This is what Paul is urging here: a commitment to be involved in each other’s lives, to share in the load of discipleship. It’s a call to compassion that goes beyond a Sunday high five or a passing “How are you?”

Paul calls us to be generous with our time, our attention, and our grace.

It’s so interesting to me how Paul doesn’t leave room for isolated Christians. He writes what is perhaps one of my favorite verses: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” In the eyes of the world, this might look like weakness. The world says, “Carry your own weight.” But in Christ, we recognize that our strength is found in our ability to serve one another. When we lift each other up, we live out the very love Jesus exemplified—a love that gave everything.

At Venture, generosity means taking this vision seriously. It means asking ourselves not only, “What can I give?” but “How can I bear someone’s burden today?” Generosity moves us to step into each other’s lives, even when it’s inconvenient. It leads us to sacrifice our time, our comfort, and our plans for the sake of someone else.

This is a radical way to live, but it’s the life we’re called to in Christ.

A life of radical generosity.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Who in my life might need support right now, and how can I generously share my time, attention, or resources to help carry their burden?
  • In what ways do I struggle with asking for help or sharing my own burdens with others in my church community? How can I grow in allowing others to support me?
  • How can I make generosity a natural part of my daily life, not just in financial giving but in my relationships and interactions with others?
  • Prayer: Lord, thank You for calling us into a community where we can share each other’s burdens. Help me to see the needs around me with eyes of compassion and a heart willing to serve. Teach me to be generous with my time, my love, and my grace, just as You have been generous with me. Give me the courage to step into others’ lives when they need it and the humility to allow others to support me. May our church be a place of radical generosity, reflecting Your love in everything we do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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