Slow Down

Slow Down

Author: Brooke Davis-Jefcoat
Jan 13, 2025 | Psalms 19

21 Days of Prayer

Key Verse:

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 


This week's focus: Grow in Grace

Law, statutes, precepts, commands, decrees ... all synonyms for a “rule” that God has given us. Rules can feel rigorous, overbearing, and hindering, but Psalm 19 reminds us that God’s ways refresh our souls, are wise, bring joy, give light, and are righteous. Simply put, God’s ways safeguard us from our own ways. Thankfully, when we misstep anyway, His grace is sufficient. Today, pray that your thoughts, words, and actions would reflect Jesus, and when they don’t thank God for His grace.


Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

It’s just another busy day - alarm goes off, and suddenly, it’s a race to get everything done. Packing school lunches, rushing to get out the door, and trying to make it to work on time. There never seem to be enough hours in the day or enough coffee in the cup! We push through, doing our best, but the pressure of deadlines and the weight of uncontrollable circumstances often get to us. Even when we know better, anxiety builds, and stress takes over. If only I could slow down a little, take in the moments, and notice the things I so often miss in the rush.

This morning, as I hit snooze one more time, I missed the sunrise peeking through the window. As I hurried my kids out the door, I overlooked the joy they felt just being with me at the start of their day. And in the frenzy of it all, I missed the subtle ways God was trying to speak to me.

Psalm 19 reminds us that God has gifted us with the beauty of creation and with His written word. In verses 3 and 4, we read: “They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” The heavens may not speak in audible words, but they speak - don’t they? Have you ever hiked to the top of a mountain and witnessed the sunset? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. And if you have, then you know exactly what I mean. It’s almost impossible to look at the sky filled with bursts of orange, pink, gold, blue, and purple without being in awe. The only sounds are the whispers of the wind, and for that moment, you’re left speechless. You realize that what seemed silent actually has so much to say.

By pausing to appreciate what God has created, we come to know Him more deeply. We see His power and faithfulness reflected in every detail. We recognize that even in our hurried, chaotic lives, He cares for us - and that He has placed countless reminders of His presence all around us. If only we would stop, breathe, and look.

My prayer is that we all slow down a little more this year, take the time to notice God’s incredible creation, and let it speak to us daily.

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Use the S.O.A.P. Method to study God’s Word.
  • SCRIPTURE: What stands out to you in today’s passage?
  • OBSERVATION: What is this text saying? What is the context? How does it fit with the verses before and after it? Are there any commands, instructions, or promises? 
  • APPLICATION: How can you apply this verse to your life? What does this mean today? What is God saying to you? 
  • PRAYER: Respond to the passage in prayer. Ask God to help you apply this truth to your life and spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.

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