Standing Strong in Christ's Truth
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Standing Strong in Christ's Truth

Author: Cody Smith
Sep 8, 2023 | Colossians 2

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

In yesterday’s devotional on Colossians 1, Paul laid out the foundation of how God sees us now that Jesus paid the price for our sins. We now get to stand before our heavenly Father as holy, blameless, and above reproach in His sight. This is our identity as His children.

Looking ahead into Colossians 2, Paul is now going to give guidance on protecting that identity. Think about it! If you’re the enemy, you would do whatever it takes to get you to believe anything else about yourself except for the truth of who you are in Christ. Luckily, Paul has got us covered on just how to go about standing firm through Jesus.

In verses 4-5, Paul expresses his concern for the Colossians, lest they be deceived by persuasive arguments. He wants to ensure that they aren't led astray from the truth they've embraced. Similarly, in our own lives, we encounter various ideologies and worldviews that might seem enticing, but they can lead us away from the foundation of our faith. Just as an athlete stays focused on their training regimen and avoids distractions, we must guard our hearts and minds, staying rooted in Christ's truth.

Verses 6-7 provide a pivotal transition. Paul encourages the Colossians to continue in Christ, just as they received Him. The journey of faith isn't a one-time decision but a lifelong commitment. It's akin to an athlete's discipline and dedication, consistently showing up for practice and refining their skills. We are called to remain steadfast, drawing from the reservoir of Christ's teachings and allowing them to shape every facet of our lives.

Continuing in verses 8-10, Paul issues a strong warning against being taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophies. He emphasizes that all the fullness of God dwells in Christ, and in Him, we have been made complete. This completeness reminds us that we lack nothing when we are in Christ. It's like an artist having all the necessary colors on their palette to create a masterpiece. Our identity in Christ is sufficient, and we need not search elsewhere for validation or purpose.

Paul then shifts his focus in verses 11-15, addressing a vital aspect of our faith journey. He speaks of spiritual circumcision, a concept not rooted in physical rituals but in the removal of our sinful nature. This is a transformative process, much like refining gold to remove impurities. Our old self is put off, and we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ. This truth enables us to walk in victory over the power of sin, and it's as if an athlete has overcome their early struggles to emerge as a champion.

Verse 13 reminds us that we were once dead in our sins, but Christ's death and resurrection brought us life. It's like being given a second chance, a fresh start. Just as a performer might stumble in their early auditions but then rise to fame, Christ redeems us from our past and grants us a new beginning.

In verses 14-15, Paul paints a vivid picture of Christ's triumph over the forces that sought to condemn us. It's a victory parade, a celebration of what Christ accomplished on the cross. This victory extends not only to us but to all of creation. It's as if the whole stadium erupts in cheers as the athlete crosses the finish line. Christ's work is finished, and through Him, we are set free.

Remember that just as a devoted athlete stays disciplined to maintain their peak performance, we too must remain devoted to the truth of our identity in Christ. Let's stand firm against the enemy's attempts to distort that identity, drawing from the wisdom Paul imparts. Our journey of faith is not a solitary one—it's a triumphant march in Christ's victory procession, as we continually grow in Him and protect the precious truth of who we are in Him.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • What deceptive philosophies or ideologies have you encountered that challenge your faith? Consider the worldviews or cultural pressures that may divert your focus from Christ's truth. How can you guard against being led astray?
  • In what ways can you practically "continue in Christ"? Think about your daily routines and habits. How can you intentionally nurture your relationship with Him and allow His teachings to shape your life?
  • Where do you seek validation and completeness? Reflect on your sources of significance and purpose. Are you relying on external factors or looking to Christ for your sense of worth?
  • How does the concept of spiritual transformation resonate with you? Consider the image of shedding the old self and being clothed with Christ's righteousness. How does this imagery encourage you to overcome struggles and walk in victory? 
  • Prayer: Heavenly Father, the world often presents alluring philosophies that attempt to steer me away from Your truth. Grant me discernment to recognize these deceptive ideologies and the strength to resist their pull. Keep me rooted in Your Word and centered in Christ, so that I may stand firm against the enemy's attempts to distort my identity. 

Family Devo: Colossians 2

By: Carrie Hobson

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.   

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  


In this chapter, Paul is talking to the people in Colossae. In verses 6-7, he’s telling them that since they have accepted Jesus as their Lord, they should continue to follow Him. I especially love the New Living Translation for what he tells them next. He says, “Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” 


What does your mind go to when you hear the word "roots?" For me, it’s a tree. What do roots do for a tree? They go down into the soil where the soil gives the tree what it needs to be strong and healthy, but only if you plant it in the right soil right? If the soil has chemicals or yucky stuff in it, the tree won’t grow. I imagine this whole picture when I read verses 6-7. Our roots (our beliefs) must be planted in the rich, healthy soil (Jesus). Only then will we have all we need to build a strong foundation for our tree (our faith) to grow. When we’re planted on that solid foundation (His Word), nothing can move us because our faith will be strengthened. God gives us everything we need in His Word to help us grow!  


Practice taking 10 minutes a day to be alone and read your Bible. Build that strong foundation so that you won’t be shaken when hard times come. 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your Word that keeps us firm in our faith. Help us to have a hunger to get into Your Word more so that our foundation can be even stronger! 

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