Thanksgiving Everyday

Thanksgiving Everyday

Author: Katherine Pittman
Oct 28, 2024 | Psalms 100

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Dear friends, I am delighted to begin our week of Daily Devo with you in the Psalms.  I can’t think of a better way to start our week than by opening the Word to read a passage that lifts our gaze upward, above ourselves and our current circumstances. Truly, this passage gives us a filter by which we can receive everything we will face this week, as we focus our eyes on our God. In your copy of God’s Word, Psalms 100 is likely titled, “A Psalm of Thanksgiving.” Thanksgiving is the focus, but not the one day of thanks in November when we eat turkey and dressing. Rather, this passage we’re reading today reflects a heart of thanksgiving every day of the year, simply because of His character, who our God is.  The writer opens with worshipful responses to the Lord by lifting shouts of praise, serving with gladness, coming to Him with joyful songs, and acknowledging that He alone is God.  Following this responsive language is a theological dive into who God is and “the why” behind our worship and thanksgiving. Sure, we can praise God for what He’s done for us and what He’s going to do, and we are right in worshipping that way, but we must be mindful that God is worthy of worship and thanksgiving simply for who He is.  From this psalm, what do we know about our God? He is Creator. He keeps those who belong to Him; without changing His mind on us.  He protects and provides as our Good Shepherd. He’s good and only good; He can’t be cruel or unjust.  He’s patient with us, faithfully loving us with a nature that can’t be bound by time or space.  He is limitless and we are not.   

With these things in mind, it’s easy to praise Him and I pray that as you read this passage and devotion today, you’ll take the time to do that.  In the stresses of life that you’ll face, look back to Psalms 100, remember Who you belong to and Who is holding onto you, and offer praise to Him. 

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Look back through this passage and think about the attributes of God.  What attribute are you most thankful for today?   
  • How can this thankfulness change the way you live today?
  • Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for who You are and Your many wonderful attributes! You give us such much to be thankful for just in Your character alone and I pray that I never take You for granted. In Jesus' name, amen!

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