That’s not how that works!
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That’s not how that works!

Author: Zach Crosby
May 16, 2023 | Acts 8

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Have you ever run across someone who thought they knew how something worked, but in reality, they didn’t really have a clue?
In 2014 there was an insurance commercial showing three elderly friends. One friend was showing the other two how she has been printing pictures from vacation and “posting them to her wall.” You may remember Facebook in the early years having your wall instead of your timeline, but she was simply taping them on her living room wall. After a bit of exchange, one of her friends stands up and states, “That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works!”

In Acts 8, we meet a magician named Simon. He has been wowing the people of Samaria into thinking he had the same power as God. In verse 13, we see that he came in contact with the apostles Peter and John and was amazed at the miracles and signs of God. Then in verse 17, they prayed and laid hands on the people of Samaria, and the people received the Holy Spirit. It’s always incredible to me to see people come to faith in Christ and watch that relationship begin. It is a true miracle. Now, Simon the magician wanted to be able to do the same, to lay hands on people and pray and have them receive the Holy Spirit. In his excitement, he offered Peter and John money for the ability to do just that. I can only imagine Peter thinking, “That’s not how it works! That’s not how any of this works!” Peter then rebuked him, telling him to repent. We know that it is by God’s grace and our faith in Him that we are saved. Not money, not works, but faith and surrender, entering into a relationship with Him. So often in our minds, we see the easiest thing to do is to throw money at something we want or at a problem we are experiencing.

The other day, my son’s car seat wouldn’t buckle. I got so frustrated and ready to go to the store to buy another. I pulled out the car seat to throw away. Right before I placed it by the trash can, I noticed the tiniest broken piece of a toy lodged near the metal part of the buckle. I mean, seriously tiny. I removed it and everything worked as it should. It was so much simpler than throwing money at it. Simon the magician didn’t realize how much simpler faith in Christ was before he tried throwing money at it.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Have you leaned on money or status to get you into Heaven?
  • Have you truly come to faith in Christ through faith?

Family Application: Acts 8

By: Nichole McCardle

In Acts chapter 8, the Jewish people were still angry that the apostles and the Christians were continuing to teach about Jesus. They began arresting and hurting people who were Christians, so many of the believers began leaving Jerusalem and moving to other areas where they felt safe. As the Christians began spreading out, they continued preaching the good news of Jesus outside of Jerusalem. This allowed so many more people to hear that Jesus died to save sinners. This is exactly what Jesus had asked his apostles to do - to continue His ministry and spread the gospel. Although the persecution of the Christians in Jerusalem was bad, the spread of the good news outside of Jerusalem was good. God works all things for His good!

In one encounter, an angel of the Lord came to Philip, one of Jesus’ apostles, and told him to go south on the desert road. Philip did not know why he was being sent on the desert road, but he immediately followed the angel’s instructions to where God wanted him to go. On the road, Philip came across an Ethiopian official. The Ethiopian was reading a part of the Bible. He was confused and needed help understanding it. There, in the middle of the desert, God was giving Philip the perfect opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with the Ethiopian! The man did not know about Jesus, and when he heard about him, he was so excited that he wanted to be a follower of Jesus and be baptized right away! It would have been easy for Philip to assume that the Ethiopian official was too important for him to be bothered, or he could have assumed that the man already knew about Jesus. But Philip followed God’s lead and went where the angel told him to go. God loved the Ethiopian official so much that he sent Philip to him at the very perfect moment! God loves you that much and wants the same for you too!

  • The gospel is a message of hope for EVERYONE! No one is too important, too good, or even too sinful for the love of Jesus and for salvation. Who can you share the gospel with this week?
  • Prayer: God, You are so great and know exactly what I need and when I need it! Thank You for loving me! God, help me to share Your love with those around me. Amen.

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