The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
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The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

Author: Ben Wade
Apr 3, 2024 | Acts 2

Begin with 2 minutes of stillness and silence before God.

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound the blowing of a violent wind came from Heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:1-2

Pentecost, also called the Festival of Weeks, is a festival of thanksgiving for the harvested crops. Growing up in church, I always heard about the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost. I heard about it at church, in a building, so I always connected it and envisioned it happening at church in a building. I have never noticed verse 2 until now. It says that it “filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Do not take for granted how God can and will work and move in and through your home, and in and through the House Church that meets in a home.

Let’s go back to yesterday, we read how the apostles were obedient to Jesus' command of staying in Jerusalem and waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We talked about how hard that had to be after literally watching Him ascend to heaven, how we more likely would’ve said, "No way, let’s roll, we have got to go tell somebody about what we just saw!" He gave them a boundary. He said to stay inside this boundary, they did, and they were blessed. (Bonus: God’s blessings are always found inside His boundaries.)

In Matthew 28, the Great Commission shows Jesus giving authority. Authority gives us the right to do something. In Acts 2, the apostles receive power from the Holy Spirit. Power gives us the ability to exercise authority.

Acts 1 tells us that there are about 120 believers among them. Now, beginning in verse 14 of Acts 2, as Peter stands up to address the crowd. He does so with an authority given to him by Jesus and an indescribable power from the Holy Spirit, and 3,000 accepted the message of the Gospel and were baptized that day.

What follows at the end of Chapter 2, The Fellowship of the Believers, is such a beautiful picture of the Early Church, and a model for us to continue to follow! 

Peter is something. Just a couple of weeks earlier, he was scared to death and denied knowing Jesus to a middle school girl. He waits 3 days and encounters Jesus and his forgiveness. Sometime later he sees Jesus ascend to Heaven. He waits 10 days, receives the power of the Holy Spirit, and “upon this rock, I will build my church.” The movement of the Church begins. God is so cool!

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • How has your life changed because of the Holy Spirit in you?
  • How are you joining the movement of the Church?
  • Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the movement of the Church.  Thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of Christ's followers and lead us in Your mission to save the world.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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