Honoring Jesus

Honoring Jesus

Author: Megan McCarver
Aug 21, 2024 | Luke 7:36-50

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Luke 7:36-50


Our passage today is about a dinner Jesus was having with the Pharisees. A woman from the town who had lived a sinful life heard that Jesus would be at dinner, so she came with a jar of perfume. She knelt at his feet and began crying; she used her tears and the jar of perfume to wash Jesus’s feet. The Pharisee who had invited him to dinner was outraged! He couldn’t believe Jesus was who He said He was if Jesus was letting a sinful woman wash His feet! But Jesus knew the Pharisee's thoughts and answered them. He told the Pharisees that the woman’s “great love had been shown” and He forgave her of her sins. Jesus told the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”


Washing feet may sound really weird to us today, but when Jesus was living it wasn’t weird at all. Everyone walked everywhere, and the roads were dirty, and they didn’t even have Jordans yet! The Pharisees didn’t believe Jesus was the Son of God. But, after seeing how Jesus not only allowed the woman to wash His feet but also forgave her, they believed He was God’s son! Did you know Jesus has already forgiven your sins? Jesus died on the cross for our sins just like He forgave the sinful woman.


God calls us to wash people’s feet, just like the sinful woman washed His feet. This doesn’t have to mean grabbing a bowl and some soap - washing feet can be any act of serving people around you. Challenge your family this week to find someone you can serve together; maybe it can be helping someone with work in their yard or cooking dinner for a family in your neighborhood. Talk together after you’ve completed an act of service about how you honored God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for giving us a heart for service and showing us people to serve this week. Let our service reflect You and allow others to see You in our actions as we move throughout the week. We love You, Lord. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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