Abide in Jesus

Abide in Jesus

Author: Nichole McCardle
Oct 3, 2024 | Galatians 5:19-21

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Galatians 5:19-21


You may remember learning from our reading Tuesday that we are all sinners. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We are all born this way, with a sinful nature and a heart that rebels against God. Galatians 5:19-21 reminds us that when we follow the desires of our sinful nature (doing things our way and not God’s way), the results are not good. Living life on our own terms leads to some pretty bad results, including selfishness, fighting, laziness, anger, and jealousy. We cannot fix our rebellious hearts and sinful nature on our own. But the good news is that we can find help through Jesus!


When we put our faith in Jesus and ask Him to forgive our sins, He changes our hearts forever. But finding salvation in Jesus and having a changed heart does not mean that we will never sin again. Because of our sinful nature, we must make sure we spend time with Jesus so that we can allow Him to help us when we are trying to do things our way and not His way. So, what does it mean to spend time with Jesus? We spend time with Jesus and grow our relationship with Him by reading our Bibles and praying to Him.


Abiding in Jesus (spending time with Him) comes from reading our Bibles and spending time in prayer. These Family Devos are a great tool to use to help you abide in Jesus. Try to see how many days in a row you and your family can read the Family Devos together. Make sure to come back tomorrow and learn about some amazing gifts that God gives us through abiding in Jesus!

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving me, even when I show my sinful nature. Please help me to live my life Your way, and not my way. Help remind me that Your way is the best way! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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