Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Psalms 5-6
The Psalms are full of emotional pleas, writers who are desperate for God to move, striving to hear from Him, and begging God for rescue. In Psalm 5 we read the personal account of David as he is entering the tabernacle. This was a place that is sort of like our churches today, except during the times when the Bible was written people believed that the Tabernacle was the only place to be in God’s presence. David is describing this very personal experience so that others can see what being near to God is like. He is inviting others to come to God with reverence and fear to receive His love. In Psalm 6, we read a personal plea for grace. David is trying to understand why things are happening in his life, so he turns to God, and asks God to “Save me because of your unfailing love.” (6:4)
We know David was “a man after God’s own heart,” and he struggled to hear from God, he struggled to understand what was going on in his life. Surely if David, the man God appointed as king, can honestly doubt God and show God how scared and worried he is, God welcomes us to be honest with Him, too! Reading through the Psalms gives us a look at how different people call out to God, worship God, and how people can struggle well. As we read the Psalms we can learn from the variety of authors through their prayers, poems, and songs. God loves us and He wants us to openly and honestly express how we are feeling. Just like David wanted His words to encourage people to experience the Tabernacle, reading Psalms today can encourage us and give us words to express what we may have a hard time saying.
God wants to hear from us, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Today, just start by writing a letter to God. Don’t think too much about it. You can use the prayer below as a guide to help you.
Prayer: Dear God, today I am feeling ____. I want to tell You about something in my life right now. (tell God about something in your life) I know that you are bigger than this situation because You are _____. Please teach me how to _______. Thank You for loving me and wanting to hear from me. I love You, God, Amen.