Family Summer Picks: Week Six

Family Summer Picks: Week Six

Author: KXP Team
Jul 8, 2024

Family Devos will return in August, but while we are taking a break, we'll be sharing our picks to help you continue to cultivate your family's faith as you're on the go this summer! Check in every Monday to discover family resources recommended by our KXP ministers! 


KXP Minister of the Week

Nichole McCardle | Jones County Campus KXP Minister 

Nichole’s Picks 

  • Summer Movie Pick: It's a tie between The Sandlot and Parent Trap. It's hard to pass up on a good 90's summer movie!
  • Summer Family Pick: 
    • Family Scavenger Hunt:  
      • Find something dark in color- The darkness reminds us of sin. Sin is anything that we do that God does not want us to do. Romans 3:23
      • Find two sticks- This reminds us of the cross, where Jesus died for us. John 19:16-22
      • Find something red- This reminds us of Jesus’ blood. Jesus was God’s son and He died on the cross to pay the punishment for our sins. Romans 5:8
      • Find a rock- This reminds us of the stone that was rolled in front of the tomb. After Jesus died, they wrapped him in cloth, placed his body in a tomb, and rolled a large stone in front of the entrance of the tomb. Matthew 27:57-66
      • Find something empty- This reminds us of the empty tomb. When they went to the tomb, they saw that it was empty- Jesus was alive! Matthew 28:1-10
      • Find something white- This reminds us of our new lives. The Bible says that after we have accepted Jesus we are brand new. He cleans out the sin that was in us. Jesus is in our lives! He will never leave! 2 Corinthians 5:17
      • Find something green- This reminds us that we are to grow as a Christian. Ephesians 5:1
      • Find something yellow- This reminds us of Heaven! The Bible says that every person who has trusted Jesus to be his or her Savior will spend forever in Heaven with Him. John 14:2-3 
  • Why recommend a family scavenger hunt? A scavenger hunt is a fun way to get your family outside, talk about God’s creation, and spend time together this summer. A scavenger hunt based around the salvation story is a great way to get your kids talking and thinking about how much God loves us and what Jesus did for us! Walk around as a family and look for these items while talking about what each item represents.
  • Who would enjoy this resource? The whole family! 

 Family Resource Wall Picks of the Week: 

Check out the Summer at Venture webpage for summer activities! Join us this Sunday for the most affordable, fun, and uplifting family outing of the summer - At The Movies! 

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