His Great Compassion

His Great Compassion

Author: Carrie Hobson
Aug 9, 2024 | Luke 7:11-17

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read Luke 7:11-17


As we wrap up our week, we get to see Jesus work a miracle again! This time He raises someone from the dead! Jesus was with a great crowd in a town called Nain. He learns of a young man who had died and was being carried by his mother in a funeral procession. He was her only son, and she was a widow. When the Lord saw her, He had compassion for her. He told her not to cry. Then he touched the coffin and told the young man to rise. The young man immediately sat up and began talking! The crowd began to glorify God and word of this miracle began to spread.


Is anybody picking up on a theme this week? Jesus’ compassion has flowed from every passage we’ve read. I don’t know about you, but my heart feels extra full this week. The Creator of the universe has compassion for us! I think sometimes we think God has so many people to watch over and is so busy that He doesn’t care about us. You know what? That couldn’t be further from the truth. He sees us. He knows our needs even before we do, and His heart is grieved at the things that grieve ours. He shows us mercy and empathy. He’s the Giver of all good things!

I’ve been blessed to have a great relationship with my dad. As a little girl, I could crawl up in his lap and tell him all my worries. He would hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay. His heart was sad because I was sad, and he would’ve done anything in the world in those moments to “fix” whatever was going on in my little head. My dad loved me so much (Still does! I’m his favorite, but don’t tell my brother. Just kidding!). That’s how I often remind myself of how much God cares for me and how He longs for that relationship with me. If my earthly dad has that much love and compassion for me, how much MORE love and compassion does my Heavenly Father have for me?! The One who designed me and has a purpose for my life cares SO much more than even my earthly father does! That blows me away!


If your family member is having a bad day this week, show compassion to them by helping them with a task. Remember the compassion God shows you every single day and show it to others.

Prayer: God, we are so thankful for all that You are! Thank You for Your constant reminders of how much You love and care about us. Help us to always remember to show kindness and compassion so that we can point people to You! We love You! Amen.

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