Jesus Forgives and Heals the Paralyzed Man

Jesus Forgives and Heals the Paralyzed Man

Author: Megan McCarver
Aug 19, 2024 | Mark 2:1-12

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Mark 2:1-12


In this passage, Jesus is coming home, and people are gathered everywhere to try to see and hear from Him. There was a paralyzed man who wanted to see Jesus so badly, but there were too many people to even get into the room! So, four of the paralyzed man’s friends climbed to the top of the building and made an opening in the roof to lower the man down so he could see Jesus. As soon as Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed men and his friends, he spoke and said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Some people in the crowd were thinking that Jesus was not really God’s son, so Jesus asked them why they were thinking such things! He looked to the paralyzed man in verse 11 and said, “I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home.” The man then got up and walked! The people in the crowds were amazed and praised God!


We can learn a lot from the paralyzed man and his friends. They had never met Jesus before and were surrounded by people who did not believe He was the true son of God. But the paralyzed man and his friends believed anyway! They believed that Jesus was God’s son, and they had faith that Jesus could perform miracles and heal the paralyzed man! Faith is believing in something we cannot see, and because of the man’s faith, Jesus healed him before He even asked!


Talk with your family about how to have faith like the paralyzed man this week. Where is Jesus calling your family to go to meet Him? Talk about some of the miracles your family has seen because of your faith or the faith of someone you know.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your forgiveness. Thank You for forgiving the paralyzed man because of his faith, and thank You for forgiving us. Help us to have faith in you, even when it feels like there are hundreds of things standing in our way. Let us be friends with others like the paralyzed man had by sharing our faith and showing love and kindness in our actions. We love You, Jesus, in Your name we pray. Amen.

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