Knowing God

Knowing God

Author: Kolbi Ulland
Sep 26, 2024 | Galatians 4:8-11

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read Galatians 4:8-11


In today's verses, Paul shows his concern for the Galatians. Just like yesterday, we see Paul talking about being slaves to the world before Jesus came to offer us freedom in Him. Paul expresses concern about the Galatians turning back to the world and away from God. He preached to the Galatians for a long time and started to believe that maybe his work had been for nothing.


Because of sin, we can be tempted to turn to worldly things over God, and sometimes we start checking off a "Christian Checklist" - go to church every Sunday, read my Bible, pray before meals, and celebrate Easter and Christmas. These things aren't necessarily bad, but if knowing, loving, and following Jesus isn't the goal, it all means nothing. We cannot earn our way to God. The only way to God is through Jesus by believing in your heart He is our Lord and Savior.


As a family, discuss what may be taking your attention off God. Also, discuss how you can share God with people at your school, on your sports team, or at work. 

Prayer: Dear God, please help us to follow You fully and not turn to worldly things. Help us know You and have a relationship with You rather than checking the boxes of religious rules. Amen. 

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