The Love of God is Forever

The Love of God is Forever

Author: Paige Russum
Sep 4, 2024 | Lamentations 3:22-23

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Lamentations 3:22-23


Hi friends! Today I’d like you to take a minute to read Lamentations 3:22-23. If you don’t have your Bible handy, no worries! Just read below.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
— Lamentations 3:22-23

Do you know what it means for something to last forever? Think about the love you have for your favorite toy, your family, or a best friend. Now imagine that love being so strong that it never, ever ends! That's how much God loves you—His love goes on forever and ever, no matter what.

In today's scripture, we're reminded that God's love and kindness never stop. Every single day, God gives us new chances to start fresh. Maybe yesterday wasn’t the best day—maybe you made a mistake or didn’t feel good. But guess what? God’s love is so great that He gives us a brand-new day to do better, to learn, and to grow.


Imagine waking up every morning to a fresh start, like a brand-new page in a coloring book. And imagine that as we color, even if we make some mistakes, or things don’t look like we wanted them to look, it is okay. That’s what God’s love and mercy feel like! No matter what happened yesterday, He loves us and gives us a clean page today to try again. And if we still don’t get it right today, He loves us enough to give us another clean page tomorrow.


Always remember to seek God and ask for His guidance in the decisions you make each day. If we stay in tune with His Word, seeing what He wants us to do can become clearer.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your amazing love that never ends. I’m so grateful that You give me new mercies every day, no matter what. Please help me to remember that each day is a fresh start with You by my side. Help me to forgive others and myself, just like You forgive me. Thank You for being faithful and always keeping Your promises. I love You, God. Amen.

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