Loving God With Your Whole Heart

Loving God With Your Whole Heart

Author: Selena Rosetti
Oct 7, 2024 | Deuteronomy 6

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Deuteronomy 6

Let’s use our imagination to help us better understand today’s scripture passage. Think about a balloon.  Now, pretend you are blowing air into the balloon.  What happens when you begin to put air into the balloon? Yes, that’s right! It gets bigger. The more air, the bigger it gets, right?  

Now imagine your heart is like a big balloon full of love.  The more you fill it with love for God, the bigger and brighter it gets. Let’s discover what it means to love God with our whole hearts! 


In this chapter, Moses is talking to the people of Israel.  He tells them that there is only one God and reminds them how important it is to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. This means that loving God is not just about saying, “I love you,” but showing it through our actions! Moses gives the people special instructions about how to live to show that they truly love God. Moses didn’t want them to just love God for themselves, but he wanted them to talk about God all the time and show His love to others. 


Moses told the people to keep God’s words close to them.  This means we should read the Bible and remember what God has taught us.  When we fill our hearts with His words, we can share them with others and make good choices. Just like the balloon we talked about earlier, every time we read God’s word, our HEART gets full of more and more love for Him.  When we have a big love for God, we will automatically have a big love for others.  


What are some ways we can show love to God and others today? Make a list of different ways you can show God how much you love Him and others.  As a family, choose one thing from your list each day to help you love God more. I will help you get started:  

  • Read the Bible together. 
  • Pray together. 
  • Go to church together. 
  • Take a walk and look at God’s creation. 
  • Do a family craft to display God’s Word in your home.  
  • Share the Good News of Jesus with someone who doesn’t know Him.  
  • Volunteer your time to help others. 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for giving us Your Word to teach us more about You.  Help us talk about You wherever we go and remember all the ways You love and care for us. May we love You with all our heart, soul, and strength today and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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