A Heart of Serving

A Heart of Serving

Author: Tyler Eggers
Oct 9, 2024 | John 13:1-17

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read John 13:1-17


In John 13, Jesus does something surprising: He washes His disciples' feet. Back then, washing someone’s feet was something only a servant would do because people’s feet would get dirty from walking around outside. But Jesus, the Son of God, wanted to show His disciples what it means to serve others. Jesus says in John 13:14, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” Jesus showed that loving others means serving them, even when it’s hard or messy.


Jesus showed His love by serving His disciples, and He wants us to love others by serving them too. We can serve others when we help them, share with them, or show kindness. It doesn’t matter who the person is—Jesus wants us to love and serve everyone, just like He did. When we serve others, we show them God's love, just like Jesus showed us.

This week, look for one way to serve a friend or someone in your family. Maybe you can help with a chore, share your toys, or be kind when someone is upset. Ask God to show you how to serve others like Jesus did.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for showing us what it means to serve others with love. Help me find ways to serve my family and friends this week and let them see Your love through me. Amen.

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