Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way
Read Mark 13-14
Today’s chapters tell us about some of Jesus’ final moments before he would be crucified on the cross. Jesus knew that it was very close to time for him to make the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and fulfill his Father’s promises. He knew that people were plotting to hurt him, arrest him, and hang him on the cross to die. But he also knew God had a bigger plan - saving the world through Him! He spent his final days in community with his disciples, talking to God the Father, and sharing the truth of God with others.
In Mark 14, Jesus was in a town called Bethany and he was sharing a meal with his disciples in the home of a man named Simon. While he was eating, a woman entered the home and came to Jesus with a beautiful jar of perfume, which was very expensive - so expensive some people say it was worth her entire life savings. She broke the jar open and poured the perfume on Jesus’ head. When everyone else in the home smelled the perfume and saw what happened, they were upset. They thought what the woman had done was wasteful and that she should have sold the perfume and given the money to the poor instead. But Jesus stepped in and told the disciples that what the woman had done was wonderful! He told everyone to remember what she had done! She recognized Jesus as the Savior, the Messiah, and she wanted to give him the greatest gift she could think of before he would die on the cross. What she did wasn’t a waste - it was worship!
Worship is more than just singing songs together on Sunday mornings. Worship is recognizing Jesus for who He is and showing our love for Him! Just like the woman in the story, we can worship God through giving. You don’t have to pour out an expensive jar of perfume or even give the most expensive thing you own to worship God. You can use your time, talents, and resources to honor him. We can worship God with the attitudes of our hearts and our actions!
You may be wondering what that can look like. Read Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” What does this verse say we should do for Jesus? WHATEVER YOU DO! You can worship God by spending time in His Word, by encouraging your classmates at school, by obeying your parents, by showing his love to your teammates, or by simply giving thanks to Him! How can you worship Jesus this week?
Prayer: Dear God, I love You so much. Thank You for giving me Your Word to teach me more about You. Help me worship You with my words and actions this week. Let the things I do point back to who You are. Amen.