21 Days of Prayer
Key Verse:
“My feet stand on level ground;
in the great congregation I will praise the Lord.” Psalm 26:12
This week's focus: Grow in Grace
Sin separated all of humankind from God’s presence. When traversing in our own might, there is no speck of “goodness” in all of humankind that is good enough to spare us from sin’s imminent death. There is only one path to a relationship with God – the cross. Today, thank God that there is level ground at the foot of the cross for ALL to surrender a life of sin in exchange for eternal dwelling with Him.
Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way
Read Psalms 26
You may have heard the phrase, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” This means that you tend to become like the people you spend the most time with. In Psalms 26, David talks about how loyal he’s been to God. In verses 4-5, he focuses on who he spends time with. David says he doesn’t spend time with people who just pretend to love Jesus or people who are evil and intentionally make bad choices. He continues to say he will praise the Lord among all people.
What does this say about our friendships? Choose them wisely! Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with wise people and become wise” (NIRV). Choose friends who make good choices and who love you for who you are. Choose friends who love the Lord. Does this mean we should completely stay away from people who make bad choices? Absolutely not. We should show kindness to everyone, just like Jesus does. Show them God’s love. Invite them to church. But the people you spend the most time with should be people who help you become a better person.
Be a good friend. Encourage someone today. Be the friend that helps someone else learn to love Jesus.
Prayer: Lord, help me make wise choices in my friendships. Help me spend time with people who make good choices, and help my friends grow to love You more and more. Amen.