Local Campus Message

Local Campus Message

Sep 29, 2024   –   Campus Pastors
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Do you ever feel stuck? Like you're dragging around a heavy chain that keeps you firmly tethered to a cold, dark cell? Though you've pulled and struggled, the chain won't budge. But what if those shackles had already been unlocked and the only thing that keeps you in that cell is your tight grip on the chains? In Galatians chapter 4, Paul tells believers that when we become followers of Jesus, we are no longer slaves to sin and death; the earthly things that once had a death grip on our hearts, minds, and souls can no longer control us. But sometimes, we don't live like the children of God; we forget the freedom we have been given in Christ and choose to cling to our chains. So which are you? Son or slave? Jesus wants you to experience hope and freedom in Him!