Tessa Savage, The Lincoln Road Campus
Tessa Savage, The Lincoln Road Campus

Tessa Savage, The Lincoln Road Campus

May 10, 2024

I've been a military wife to an active-duty soldier for the past 21 years, and we have four daughters ranging in age from 4 to 20.   

I was 13 when I was baptized but wasn't actively following God until about a decade ago. At that age, my parents were separated and headed toward a divorce. My life was full of anxiety, depression, and "self-improvement" attempts. I was spiritual and looking for answers in all the wrong places, like horoscopes and astrology.

After my husband and I got married, we were strong in areas where we agreed but rocky in areas where we disagreed - especially when it came to faith. I came to a point where I knew I had to fully surrender everything to Christ, and for a long time, it felt like my husband and I were walking down two different paths. But I knew I had to continue to take faithful steps to follow Christ and, no matter how hard it felt, trust that He was leading the way. During my husband's four deployments, I continually learned lessons that would shape me as a Christ follower and help develop me from a stagnant baby Christian to a faithful worshipper of Jesus Christ. 

God has shown me, especially in my time at Venture, how faithful He is and what He can do in such a short period of time. I've lived almost everywhere at this point, and when Mississippi became our next duty station, I wasn't expecting anything but heat and humidity. Instead, I have experienced God's healing and miracles in my family. After spending so much time in intense prayer, I got to see my husband and my daughter place their faith in Jesus and be baptized this year. God answered my prayers and demonstrated His love for my little family.  

I can now see God's plan in every encounter, duty station, and experience and how it has shaped me and each member of my family. Our testimonies are intertwined; different perspectives of a miracle. Life is different because I have peace - TRUE peace and rest. You don't recognize it unless you have experienced agonizing pain and unrest. It's so freeing when you know God is leading your way and you can lay everything at His feet while trusting that He is faithful and good. I now turn to Him daily, not just when I am facing rock bottom. 

I look forward to seeing how He will continue to use me and my family. My story feels unfinished, but I can see how He is already using it for His purposes. I strive to be with Jesus and seek Him at all times so I can hear Him when He needs to use me. Life is good, hopeful, and beautiful with Jesus leading. There is no turning back after what I have witnessed Jesus do!

- Tessa, The Lincoln Road Campus