Divine Protection

Divine Protection

Author: Bailey Garner
Sep 2, 2022

Reading Plan:

Acts 25

Divine Protection

Author: Bailey Garner

I was texting with a friend recently who was going through a pretty challenging time in her life. I told her “As hard as it is to understand and see in this moment, I know He has a bigger plan." I really do believe that, but it is so much easier to believe when you are the outsider looking in and not the one smack dab in the middle of the struggle.

I think we would both agree that Paul is in the middle of a difficult circumstance. He is consistently being put on trial when he had done nothing wrong. He is being singled out simply because of his beliefs, yet no judge wants to be the one to acquit him.

When I first read this chapter of Acts, I honestly didn’t have much to take away from it except that I felt sorry for Paul. He’s being wrongly accused, and it’s not fair! But when I started digging, I was able to truly understand that God never left Paul! In fact, He was in every detail of this story, and He had a bigger plan.

In case you missed it, the Jews were plotting Paul’s murder. We read in verse 3, “They requested Festus, as a favor to them, to have Paul transferred to Jerusalem, for they were preparing an ambush to kill him along the way.”

As it turns out, Paul was born a Roman citizen and this prevented Festus from commanding the trial to be moved to Jerusalem (where the Jews were planning to murder Paul), so Festus asked Paul about this. And in verses 9-12, Paul demands to stand trial with Caesar. It was the right of every Roman citizen to have his case heard by Caesar himself after initial trials and appeals failed to reach a satisfactory decision. Therefore, Paul’s trial would not be moved to Jerusalem.

Did you catch that? Paul’s citizenship saved his life! No one is responsible for that protection except the one true God himself! You can’t make this stuff up. But the proof of God’s protection keeps going.

Not only was Paul protected by his standing as a Roman citizen (yay God!) but also his imprisonment was a form of protection too. Being in jail meant that Paul was in protective custody against the murderous intentions of the religious leaders. Then, add on the fact that while imprisoned, Paul was also able to have a season of rest and renewal (knowing he wasn’t being chased by murderers) after years of hard missionary service. And with each trial that Paul had, he was able to tell people about Jesus again and again. I think we can all agree that God knew what he was doing!

I look back on the struggles that I’ve had, and there are so many places where I can see that God was protecting me or He just knew better. Turns out, the Bible is true when it says, “'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

I hope this leaves you encouraged today, my friend. God was with Paul then and He is with you now. Rest assured that He knows what He is doing, even when we don’t understand.


  • Look back on your life and the struggles you have faced. Can you see now how God was at work in your life then?
  • What is something you could do regularly to remember the ways God has protected you?

Family Content

Author: Cindy Ogilvie

  • So yesterday we found out that Paul was spreading the truth about Jesus. The people did not like to hear what Paul was saying, so they threw him in jail. Today, we are talking about Paul’s trial before Festus. Paul explains that he has done no wrong by the Jewish law, the temple, or against Caesar. He said that if he had done wrong then he would take his punishment. 
  • People didn’t believe him when he said that Jesus was still alive. They called Paul a liar and because of that, he was thrown in jail. That’s crazy that Paul got thrown in jail, but it wasn’t because he did anything wrong, it was because they simply didn’t believe him.
  • Have you ever told the truth but got in trouble because they thought you were lying? Would you stand up for what you believe is the truth?
  • This week I want you to speak the truth about Jesus to one person. The truth about Jesus is that He loves everyone. It can be your best friend or your mom and dad or someone who you may bump into at school. Just let them know that Jesus loves them.
  • Prayer: Jesus, thank you for always being the Truth no matter how many times people lie. Thank you for being my Truth and Light when people don’t believe me. I know you always do. Amen.

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