Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees

Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees

Author: Kelly Lambert
Sep 30, 2022 | Matthew 12:33-37

Prior to where we pick up in this passage, Jesus is defending Himself and His disciples in the face of some Pharisees’ (very religious Jewish people) questions pertaining to the Law (The Jewish religious rules). Again, Jesus and His disciples were doing things on the Sabbath, the day God created for rest, but the Jewish people took it to the extreme. Jesus and his disciples were hungry, found some grain near a field, and made some food to eat. The Pharisees saw this, were very upset, and questioned Jesus. They even dared Him to heal a man while they were questioning Him.
In His explanation, Jesus shared with them in a somewhat direct manner that they were in the presence of God. The Pharisees claimed that Jesus was a descendant of the Devil, and this is where the passage we read today picks up.
Jesus simply asked how can a good man who has good stored up in him have evil things come out of him? He is simply trying to point out what’s better - keeping the religious rule such as the Sabbath, or breaking the rule for the sake of helping someone. Jesus also pointed out that they need to be careful with their words because words have weight and meaning. In other words, Jesus saw the Pharisees’ hearts through their words. For one, they were so accustomed to following the religious law that it blinded them to the needs of God’s people. Jesus was pointing out that they were using the religious law to control people, not point people to God and how to live. In this instance, they were using this particular law to create dissension, to hurt, embarrass, and falsely accuse Jesus and His Disciples.
For me, as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I hear Jesus tell me in this passage that in the midst of my, as Kyle Warren says, “Followship,” when we follow Jesus it is clearly not a journey of religious acts to be done meaninglessly. It’s an intentional focus on Jesus and how He has called us to follow Him and to love those He has placed in our life. In other words, living out the greatest commandment: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it; ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40
What I think really hurt the heart of Jesus is that of all people, the Pharisees should have known this the most, because they would have read it in the book of Deuteronomy, but they got lost.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” Deuteronomy 6:5
Today with all the distraction and the pressure to succeed just for the sake of succeeding, anyone, can get lost in the details of living a religious life and miss the opportunities that are right under our noses. I encourage you to hear Jesus saying to you, I’m Here!!!! Stop complicating things! Love me! Love and help others!


  • What about following Jesus is most exciting to you? What about following Jesus is a little scary? (Remember His ways are good, He will never lead you astray, and He will always be right there with you.)
  • Who in your life does God want you to be intentional with in sharing His love? If you are having trouble thinking of anyone, ask God to help you and open your eyes, and I bet that person will be right under your nose.
  • Prayer: Father, You are a good God! You are THE God! You are so patient with us, and we are so grateful! Help us to see this world and your people how you see them, with love-filled eyes. Help us, God, to have the wisdom and vision to know what the next right thing is to do, and then God please give us the courage to do it. Thank You for Your provision and for Your forgiveness. Father, we praise You! In Jesus’ Name!

    Family Application: Guarding our Hearts and Our Words

    Author: Nichole McCardle
  • If you are sitting on the couch with a full cup of chocolate milk, and your little brother comes right beside you and jumps on the couch, what is going to happen? Yep, whatever is inside that cup is going to come spilling out all over the place! Chocolate milk is going to be all over you and all over the couch. Much like whatever is in a cup comes spilling out when shaken, whatever is in our heart will come spilling out of our mouths. In Matthew 12:34 Jesus says “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of”. What we put into our hearts is very important! We need to be careful with what we let our eyes see, what we let our ears hear, and what we let our minds think. Instead, we need to seek out what Jesus would want us to do in every situation. That helps keep our hearts guarded against sin, and helps keep the words that come out of our mouths positive, loving, kind, and helpful.
  • Think about the words you have used this week. Have they been helpful or hurtful? Have they been used to build someone up or tear someone down? Have they been loving or hateful? Recall our scripture reading from today and remember that our words matter and they have a big impact on others.
  • Be intentional with nice words this week. Tell your siblings what you love about them, tell your parents what they do that makes you feel happy, tell your teacher thank you for teaching you new things, or compliment a friend’s cool backpack.
  • Prayer: God, You are so full of love! Thank You for Your Word and Your love! Help me to use my words to share Your love with others. Amen.

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