Every Opportunity

Every Opportunity

Author: Raley Millet
Sep 5, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 26

Every Opportunity 

Author: Raley Millet 

As we've been reading through Acts together, something that never fails to amaze and challenge me is Paul's boldness in Christ. If you're anything like me, you probably think "I could be bold in sharing The Gospel like that." But as soon as an opportunity arises, life's circumstances or our own emotions may hinder us. I'm not proud to say it, but I can think of so many times that fear or stress dampened my determination to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. What if they reject me? What if they think I'm insane? What if I say the wrong thing? Do I really have time for this today?  

There are days I have to pray for the courage and boldness just to share my faith with the barista at the coffee shop or a next-door neighbor, so I surely could not imagine what it would be like to share The Gospel while on trial before a king who came from a line of anti-Christian rulers. However, this is exactly what Paul does in Acts 26. 

Paul, still a prisoner under the Roman government, has been called to stand before King Agrippa. (For context, King Agrippa's father persecuted many Christians including killing James and imprisoning Peter. His grandfather was king when Jesus was born and attempted to have Jesus killed. Not exactly a great track record.) Finally, Paul has a chance to defend himself against the continuous onslaught of accusations and imprisonment he is facing. What an incredible opportunity to set things right. 

But Paul does not use this platform before the king to clear his name and reputation. Instead, he begins to preach a clear account of The Gospel before King Agrippa and all of his court. Paul shares his entire story, from his beginning as Saul who persecuted Christians, to encountering God, to declaring that Jesus is the Messiah. It is apparent that the circumstances he was in or the potential consequences he could face for such boldness were not his greatest concern. Instead, his priority was sharing the transformative power of Jesus with people who were in desperate need of hearing it.  

"Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" This is King Agrippa's response. Basically, "Are you trying to convert me?" In verse 29, Paul responds "Short time or long - I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today become what I am, except for these chains." Paul essentially says, "Yes, I am trying to convert you. I'm trying to convert everyone here who doesn't know Jesus." That was Paul's goal as a follower of Christ, and that is the same goal that we share as believers today. 

We have all been called to proclaim this same Gospel that Paul shared 2000+ years ago. This should be the aim of our actions and prayer of our hearts day in and day out; that everyone we encounter and share the Gospel with will come into a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. That they will turn from darkness to light, from Satan to God, from sin to forgiveness (Acts 26:18).  

None of us will ever stand before a king as a prisoner (unless something absolutely crazy happens!), but we do have an opportunity to share what God has done in our lives each day as we stand before our family members, our coworkers, strangers at Walmart, and even people who have hurt us. The amazing part is that the same God who gave Paul this fearlessness to share the Good News is the same God who is working in us today! So, let's use every opportunity given to us to share The Gospel with boldness! 


  • Take a moment to pray and ask God to give you boldness and a desire to share The Gospel with others throughout this week. Ask God to present you with opportunities for Gospel conversations and to clearly show you people who need to hear The Good News of Christ. 

Family Content: 7 Marks of Discipleship

This week’s family content will look a little different. We’ll be recapping and practicing some of the 7 Marks of Discipleship as a family. Take time each day to read the Bible Reading Plan and complete the daily challenge as a family. Regular family content will return in two weeks. If you would like to be a part of the family content volunteer team or have questions about family content please email cooper@venturechurch.org

Read: Acts 26  

Challenge: One of the seven marks of a disciple is serving others. When we serve others, we take the attention off of ourselves and put it on someone else. We serve others because Jesus served others. Take time today to make someone feel special because of how you treat them.  

Prayer: God, thank You for always being with me and loving me no matter what. Help me love You and all the people You made. Amen. 

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