Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

Author: Jessica Brinson
Sep 23, 2022 | 1 Timothy 6

“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” 1 Timothy 6:6-8

Maybe it’s the Western world in me or maybe it’s just being human, but contentment is hard. Social media has only made it harder. “Keeping up with the Joneses” has a whole new level to it now. Our feeds on Instagram and Facebook and TikTok are filled with all the next best things our friends and the influencers are getting, and now suddenly, we (I) must have it.

In Philippians 4:11 Paul says, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Paul went through some heavy and rough stuff, so it’s saying quite a lot that he was able to find contentment “whatever the circumstances.”

In Hebrews 13:5, the author writes, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”

Have you ever known someone who, for the most part, always seemed content and thankful for their life and what they had? I haven’t met many people like that, but my Papaw always comes to my mind when I think of contentment.

No matter the situation, there was always a peace about him. No matter what he was about to eat, he would always thank God for it. No matter what else needed to be paid, he would put aside money for his tithe.

At his funeral, someone said that one of the things he looked up to Papaw for was how he stayed content. In the view of the world, he was not rich by any means. But in the eyes of our Lord, he had an abundance. He strived, and succeeded, to live a godly life, and because of his efforts, his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren now have that example to remind them of this truth of God’s Word and to spur them on to live likewise.


  • Write a list of all the reasons you have to thank God.
  • Pray for an opportunity to share what God has done for you.

Family Content: 1 Timothy 6

By: Carrington Stuart

  • Today, we’re reading a passage in - wait for it - 1 Timothy! Today’s passage talks about how we can be respectful to others even if they don’t believe in Jesus. Sometimes we have to respect people who we don’t agree with. Respecting them doesn’t mean that we have to believe exactly what they believe or participate in things that we know aren’t right, but we still want to be kind to them.
  • Some people who don’t believe in Jesus may try to convince us that it’s okay to speak unkindly about others or be selfish with our money and our time. People who don’t believe in Jesus don’t always do the right thing because they don’t know about how Jesus tells us to live. Jesus tells us to speak kind words, be respectful, and be a good example for others with our actions.
  • It can seem like people who don’t follow Jesus have a perfect life. They may have a lot of money, really nice clothes, really fancy houses, and the best of everything. But we know that these things won’t make us happy forever - only Jesus can do that. Even though it may look like they’re living a good life on the outside, not knowing Jesus makes you sad on the inside. It’s our job to tell them about how much joy Jesus gives us!
  • Even when it’s hard, following Jesus is always the right thing to do. Things that everybody else says will make us happy are not going to last forever, but Jesus will! When life isn’t easy, we can always remember that we get to spend forever with Jesus in heaven one day. And that’s awesome news! We can remember that no matter what we’re going through.
  • Remember, even though we should be kind to everyone, we should be careful not to do things that we know Jesus tells us not to do, even when others tell us it’s ok. We should always be a good example and share about Jesus! How can you be a good example even when it’s hard? How can you choose to follow Jesus when others try to convince you to do something you know is wrong? How can you be grateful for what you have instead of wanting what others have?
  • Prayer: God, please help me to love everyone, even if I don’t agree with them. I want to be kind to people just like Jesus was! I also want to be grateful for the things that You’ve given to me instead of wanting what others have. Help me to be a good example for other people and show others how much You love them! Thank you, God. We love You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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