Jesus, The Redeemer

Jesus, The Redeemer

Author: Amy Stampley
Dec 29, 2022 | Luke 2:22-40

Today’s scripture evokes such emotion within me. When we as parents dedicate our children to the Lord, it is such a day of celebration and gladness! In the dedication of Baby Jesus, Simeon spoke with such eloquence of how Jesus was the Redeemer, and an answer to the faith of all of Israel who were awaiting this promise of God. You can tell by Simeon’s words that God had revealed these things to him prior to this day of him meeting the Christ child face to face. It was in his drawing near to God through the Holy Spirit that these things had been made known to him.

Simeon’s message to Mary after the blessing, however, foreshadowed darkness as he spoke of the rise and fall of Israel and of how the human response to Jesus’s journey would pierce Mary’s own soul. Mary’s trust and obedience from the beginning when she was told that she would be the mother to the Messiah never wavered. She committed to God that she was in it for the long haul. Throughout the story of Christ’s birth, from the Angel of the Lord to the Shepherds in the field, each of them spoke to Mary of how Jesus’s life would be so important and powerful. We as Christians today can testify through our own experiences of the true goodness of our precious, loving Father... But what of Mary and her feelings? As a mother, I can tell you that it would be very difficult to learn even prior to his birth that the destiny of my child would shake nations and ultimately take on the sin and suffering for the entire world. What strength she must have had as a mother to know and endure all of these things!

  • Think about the special gifts that your children or members of your family have been given. Make sure you acknowledge these gifts in a positive way with each of them. God created each of us with special gifts to be used to further His Kingdom.
  • Take time to discuss ways that the gifts of those within your family might be used for His glory.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the story of Mary and her demonstration of strength. Lord, her strength shows us how she leaned on You so much for everything. Her obedience was steadfast and her trust was solid. God, teach us to draw our strength from You when times are hard. Help us to be more like Mary and Joseph in our obedience to You. Also, Lord, let us remember to draw closer to You so that we can learn the truths that You would have us to learn like your faithful servant, Simeon. Amen.

Family Application: Luke 2:22-40

Author: Amy Stampley

After eight days, the new baby would be named Jesus just as the Angel had told Mary in the beginning of the story. As was tradition for first born male babies, Joseph and Mary took baby Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord. In the temple they encountered a righteous servant of the Lord named Simeon. Many years prior to this day, Simeon had received a promise from God that he would not see death before meeting the Messiah. After taking baby Jesus in his arms, Simeon praised God and told him that He could dismiss His servant in peace as the promise to meet the Messiah had come to pass. Once again, Mary heard the promise of the wonderful things that her young baby Jesus would grow up and do.

I can’t help but think of how precious this moment is for Mary to repeatedly hear of how special her Son would be to the world.

  • As a family, make a list of all the ways that Jesus is special in your life and some of His promises that have been fulfilled.
  • Prayer: Dear God, we really cannot thank you enough for giving us the gift of baby Jesus. Digging into the Word to learn all the details of His birth has been so special for our family. Thank you for all the ways you love us and bless us! Amen.

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