

Author: Amy Fontenot
Jul 8, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Genesis 18:16-33 


Author: Amy Fontenot 

I love this passage. Actually, I love this whole chapter! In the verses before today's passage, the Lord appeared to Abraham. He sat in Abraham’s tent, shared a meal with Abraham, and encouraged Abraham with the news that within a year he and Sarah would hold a baby of their own just as God had promised. The Lord showed up and personally shared the good news. Then the Lord walked with Abraham and spoke truth to Him about hard things. In our passage, He shared the reports of the terrible things happening in the nearby cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Abraham’s nephew Lot lived with his family. 

I always want to hear the good news. But I feel like I'm probably not alone in saying that sometimes I want to put my head in the sand and avoid all of the bad news. It’s too painful, too scary, or makes me feel like I have no control. And while I can’t control the bad things that happen around me or across the world, I have the freedom to control my response. The love and compassion God has put in my heart for other people is an invitation to act – to be a part of His movement.  

Looking back on Abraham’s conversation with God, Abraham's response overflows with the same mercy and compassion God had poured on Abraham in his journey of faith. If we look back at Genesis 12-17, we can see that this man had already experienced abundant grace and mercy from the Father. Every step along the way required Abraham’s repentance and God’s mercy. As a result, Abraham knew God’s character. Abraham knew God was just AND merciful. Abraham understood the seriousness of sin and the promise of judgment. He also seemed to have understood God’s desire to give mercy to anyone who would accept it. This is why Abraham pleads for mercy. He understood God’s character.  

“Then Abraham approached him and said: ‘Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?’” Genesis 18:23-25 

Abraham goes on to boldly ask for more and more and more mercy. I read this and consider how much this must have pleased God. God delights in our compassion and our desire to show mercy. Lot was later rescued because of Abraham's bold prayer and God's mercy. God allows Abraham to be a part of His rescue plan. God wants to give us mercy, but He also wants us to desire mercy for others as well. 

“Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful” Luke 6:36.

God invites us into His plans. He teaches us His ways. God prepares us for the job ahead. He allows us to boldly step into action. God wants us to personally share the good news with the hopeless, the sinners, loved ones, and enemies. The gospel is for everyone, and God has personally invited us to be a part of His mission to share the good news of mercy and grace and justice and love to change the world one heart at a time.  


  • When you've received bad news in the past, how did you respond? How can you use this scripture to respond more like Jesus the next time you hear or even experience difficult things?
  • Who has God shown you who needs to know His gospel? Start by praying for them today. Pray for opportunities to share the character of God with them as you go. 


Family Application: God is always with us.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • In the verses right above our reading, it is all about some good news. What we are reading is about getting some bad news.  
  • We all love getting good news, but hearing hard news can be really scary or something we don't want. Sometimes we can't control when hard things happen though. What we can control is how we respond when hard things happen. How do you usually act when you hear something that is really hard or that you don't like?  
  • The next time something hard happens how can you respond like Jesus? What would that look like?     
  • Prayer: God, You are wonderful! Thank You for being with me in the good times and the hard times. God, help me remember that I can love like You love even when something really hard happens to me. Amen. 

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