Our God is Powerful!

Our God is Powerful!

Author: Cooper Herrington
Aug 26, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 20

Our God is Powerful

Cooper Herrington 

Acts 20 is a chapter full of action that all gives glory to God. Today, I want to hang out in a few verses that can seem odd but that I have fallen in love with. It is none other than the story of Paul and Eutychus. When we read these few verses, I see two major themes. First we get to see the God we get to serve and be in relationship with is powerful beyond our imagination. Then, we see the Apostle Paul making the most of every moment he has to tell the world about Jesus. 

Paul knows He doesn’t have much time left in the city. He is moving on in the morning. After a day of work, everyone packs into an upstairs room. I imagine the town bustling with scattered chatter like, “Did you hear Paul is leaving tomorrow?” Another replies “Yes, I am so sad.” The first replies “Yes, I know! Tonight, he is teaching though in the upstairs room just around the corner. We have to be there.” The room is packed and Paul is teaching. Paul teaches and teaches and teaches. He keeps on talking until midnight. Even on my off days, I will be tired before midnight but most (if not all) of these people had worked a full day. Then a young man named Eutychus was sinking into a deep sleep. I imagine he fought off the sleep as best as he could. His head-nod getting progressively longer and longer. Then things take a turn. Eutychus falls asleep and falls out of the window all while Paul is teaching. I imagine loud gasps filled the room. Paul runs down to Eutychus, and God, in all of His power, steps in. Eutychus is raised from the dead. God takes him from literal death to life. Then like it was nothing, Paul keeps on teaching right up until the time he has to leave.  

What I love about this story is it has such a simple application for us. We have a relationship with the same God that Paul and Eutychus did. Our God is still that powerful. We might not see people going from death to life physically, but we get to see our God take people from death to life spiritually. Praise God for that! He is still just as powerful today as He was then. We also get to follow the example of Paul as he follows Jesus. Make the most of the moments you have today. This might require a little more time, a little more energy, and a little more money, and I think you will find it far worth it. I believe God delights in the big massive stories, decisions and actions, and I think He is delighted with the small, ordinary, unseen moments and actions as well. Start where you are today and find a moment or two to tell the world around you in about Jesus. You don’t have to go seeking a new spot or time or place to do this - you can start in the places and communities where you already are. This might be at your favorite coffee shop, restaurant, at the soccer fields, in the car rider line - where ever you are, start to build relationships with people and talk to them about our all-powerful God. These small intentional decisions and actions are the ones that lead to looking back six months later and not recognizing yourself because of how much God has changed you.     


  • What are you already doing that you could leverage to talk about your faith? Start where you are, and start small. Spend time praying for the person or over the setting that comes to mind. Then start a conversation, invite them to come to church with you, and tell them how they can have a relationship with Jesus.    

Family Application: Finish the Race

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Today, we are reading from, you guessed it, Acts! Read Acts 20 with your family. As you can see, Paul is finishing up his ministry in Ephesus. The Holy Spirit is prompting him to go to Jerusalem, even though he knows he will face prison and hardship there. But Paul says something really powerful. In verse 24 he says, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” Paul’s passion was leading others to know, love, and follow Jesus. He knew that by doing this, he was going to face lots of hardships and trials. But he was faithful to finish the race that God had given him. 
  • Following Jesus is not always the easiest race to run. Even Jesus himself said in Matthew 16:24, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” This means that as followers of Jesus, He needs to take up the number one spot in our lives, before family, friends, sports, music, or anything else in this world. But it’s worth that cost because Jesus made the biggest sacrifice of all - He gave His life for us! Compared to that, all of our sacrifices to finish His race seem very small!
  • Paul was really good at encouraging his friends. In what ways can you encourage your friends and family this week?
  • Prayer: God, You are so full of grace! Thank You for sending Your Son! Help me to be willing to live for You. Amen. 

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