Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Repeat.

Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Repeat.

Author: Blake Houston
Dec 21, 2022 | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Some things need to be done repeatedly. Take laundry, for example. We wash our clothes, we dry them, we fold them, and then after we’ve worn them, we do it all over again.

Wash. Dry. Fold. Repeat.

Wash. Dry. Fold. Repeat.

Wash. Dry. Fold. Repeat.

And unless you don’t mind you and your kids walking around in dirty clothes, it’s a process you will do at least weekly, right? For all my parents of multiple kids out there, I need to know: HOW. DO. YOU. DO. IT? We’ve gone from one load a week to nearly four. And that’s just by adding our second child! Whew.

Nevertheless, it’s something that we all must do, and it is important that we build a proper rhythm in order to maintain a steady supply of clean clothes.

The Bible also teaches us that there are several things we should rhythmically incorporate into our lives in order to enjoy a maturing relationship with the Spirit. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, the apostle Paul gives us three of these: “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

In other words, “Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Repeat.”

When should we rejoice? When should we be joyful? In 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Paul tells us that we should be joyful always. Not just when things are going great. Not just when we feel like all is well with the world. We should be joyful in all circumstances, good and bad. We should be joyful when we are in the best of health and we should be joyful when we get concerning news about our health. We should be joyful when we have plenty and we should be joyful when we have nothing. But how can we be joyful in the bad times? Psalm 28:7 gives a great answer: “The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” We can be joyful in the bad times because God is our strength, God is our shield, and He is there to help us.

And when should we pray? On Sundays? A couple of times a week? Once a day? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we should never stop praying. When it comes to prayer, we need to look at the example of the early church. Acts 1:14 tells us that the early believers got together with one main purpose, to be united in prayer. Paul tells us in Colossians 4:2 that we should be devoted to prayer. Prayer should be as much a part of our daily lives as breathing is. In Luke 18, Jesus told His disciples the story of the persistent widow who went to the judge repeatedly in order to seek justice against an adversary. Jesus told this story to show them, and us, the importance of continually praying and never giving up (Luke 18:1). But this is not because God takes delight in making us ask for things over and over again. Persistent prayer, praying without ceasing, builds our faith.

And when should we give thanks? When we’ve received what we seek from God in prayer? When we are completely satisfied? Yes, we should be thankful in those times. But, as Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we must be thankful in all circumstances, good or bad. Why? Because giving thanks in all circumstances is God’s will for every one of us who belongs to Christ. A thankful heart is also a heart of worship. Psalm 50:23 says that giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors God.

So, every moment of every day, especially during this season of Advent, as we chase after Jesus in every aspect of our lives, let us remember to always:

Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Repeat.

  • How can you “rejoice always,” even when you may be going through a difficult time in your journey?
  • What does it look like in your life to “pray without ceasing?”
  • Take 30 seconds right now and make a mental list of things you can give thanks to God for.
  • Prayer: Jesus, thank You for all that You have done in my life. Even when the circumstances of my life are difficult, You are still good, and You make a way for me in every season. I give You praise, and I rejoice in who You are. Holy Spirit, fill me with gratitude as reflect on Jesus’ arrival this Advent season. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

Family Application: I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Author: Carrie Hobson

Do you ever wonder what God’s will is for us as His children? Our scripture for today tells us that very thing. God wants us to rejoice in all situations, good or bad. He wants us to pray continually about everything and to give thanks for every situation. Doing these things directs our hearts to Jesus and helps us keep our minds on Him. God is in control of everything that happens in our life, and He wants us to always remember that. Sometimes we may not understand why God is doing certain things at the moment, but His plan is always best. Turn your heart to Jesus today. No matter what you’re facing, rejoice, pray, and give thanks.

  • Prayer: God, help me to turn my focus towards You. Thank You that You are always working even when I can’t see it. Help me to rejoice in all things, pray continually, and give thanks for all things for You are in control of it all.

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