Something Changed

Something Changed

Author: Mellanie Alexander
Aug 11, 2022

Reading Plan:

Acts 9

Something Changed

Author: Mellanie Alexander

I recently listened to a podcast and someone said, "When Jesus enters the room, the atmosphere changes." This idea has been at the forefront of my mind for over a week now. To me, it's a beautiful picture of what happens when Jesus comes and meets us where we are. Something has to change. Jesus met a man where He was in Acts 9. The atmosphere changed and the course of history took a different turn for the early church.

Saul was out there doing what he thought was right. He was rounding up Christians and imprisoning them. He was leading the charge against the early church. He was zealous in what he was doing because he really thought he was doing the right thing. Then, Jesus showed up and everything changed.

Now as Saul went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do."

Saul, who later became Paul, was changed when Jesus showed up. The atmosphere changed. The light he saw was brighter than the sun (Acts 26:13). After his encounter, he was blind for three days. I think this gave him time to reflect and focus on who Jesus is. Once the scales fell off his eyes, he stepped out in faith and never looked back.

When Jesus shows up, the atmosphere changes. Our hearts are changed. Our lives are changed. He begins to heal us from our trauma. He gives us eyes to see others as He sees them. Others are changed because we live differently.

Saul wasn't looking for Jesus. He despised Jesus and all that He represented. Jesus loved Him and showed up anyway. Jesus entered the picture and a life was forever changed. Maybe Jesus isn't going to show up as a bright light for us, but He does lead us by His Spirit every day if we let Him. He invites us into fellowship with Him. He calls us to live a different way so that others can see what it looks like to live out His love. When we choose to welcome Jesus into our lives, the atmosphere changes and so do we.


  • When has Jesus shown up in your life and changed things?
  • Reflect on the times when Jesus worked in your life to bring about change, and thank God for the work He continues to do in you.

Family Content: Blinded by the Light

Author: Mary Boleware

  • Have you ever been to a movie theatre in the afternoon? It’s so dark inside the theatre that when you walk outside after the movie, the bright afternoon sun is blinding. But then our eyes adjust, allowing us to see a clear path. Keep this in mind as we pick up where we left off in Acts.
  • Remember Saul, who was up to no good in Jerusalem, putting Christians in prison? He had become so obsessed with putting the believers in prison that he decided to go to the city of Damascus (about 150 miles away) to arrest Christians.
  • As Saul was traveling to Damascus, a bright light fell from heaven, surrounded him, and blinded him. He fell to his knees and heard the voice of Jesus ask, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.” Saul’s friends led him to Damascus, and he remained there and was blind for three days. Three Days! Well, this is certainly more startling than coming out of a dark theatre and struggling to see for only a few seconds.
  • A disciple from Damascus, Ananias, heard the Lord’s voice tell him to go to Saul and place his hands on Saul so that he might see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, I don’t know about you, but I would have been hesitant to go to the man who had been arresting Christians! God assured him that He was going to use Saul, so Ananias did what God told him to do. Ananias placed his hands on Saul’s eyes and his sight came back. More importantly, Saul was also filled with the Holy Spirit and his heart was restored. His new sight helped him to not only see with his eyes but to see the path God chose for him.
  • Saul was baptized and began to hang out with other disciples. As he preached that Jesus was the Son of God everywhere he went, one would expect that he would be doubted and questioned about his motives considering his past treatment of Christians. The roads that Saul traveled from Damascus back to Jerusalem and many other places were certainly full of adventure. As you will learn throughout Acts, Saul was indeed God’s chosen instrument to lead others to Christ.
  • In life, we are faced with many questions and decisions. Whether they are small ones—what do I wear today? –or big ones – what type of friends do I hang out with?—or even bigger—what job should I have? All of these decisions, small and big, lead us on a path step by step. We need clear vision both physically with our eyes and spiritually with our hearts to stay on God’s path that He chooses for us. Spiritual vision comes from reading God’s word and spending time in prayer daily.
  • Prayer: Dear God, You are so good and Your plans for us are perfect. Your ways are higher than our ways. Your name is above all other names. Forgive us for being blinded by our desires and by things of the world that influence us. Forgive us for sometimes choosing the wrong path. When we do choose the wrong path, redirect us with Your light. We ask that You give us clear vision for our eyes and our hearts so that we will stay on the path You have chosen for us. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray these things. Amen.

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