The Cost of Following Jesus

The Cost of Following Jesus

Author: Amy Stamply
Oct 24, 2022 | Luke 9:57-62

Have you ever been pushed out of your comfort zone to move for a job, either for yourself or for your spouse? Relocation is hard even when you know where you are going, but how about when Jesus calls you to move? Are you committed to following Jesus wherever He asks? Wow! That’s a tough question! It can be scary to move as we are called. Jesus does not sugarcoat the cost of following Him. It will not be comfortable or easy, but ultimately, we know without a doubt that our salvation is entirely worth it.

As Jesus was constantly on the move throughout the journey to Jerusalem to tell His story, His followers would camp wherever He camped. In this scripture, when the person asks that Jesus permit him to go and bury his father, Jesus is very direct in telling him to let the dead bury their own dead. The last verse today compares second thoughts about following Him to plowing the field while looking back. If the person steering the plow was to look back, the rows of that field sure would not be pretty!

In essence, Jesus was saying to both of these men that many who turn back to say their goodbyes are often distracted and never follow on with the journey. A choice to follow Him must be immediate. Stopping to think about it or to get ready is not an acceptable choice, and we may not have an opportunity for a second chance to follow Him if we wait.

“Follow Me” is a command; He doesn’t say, “Follow Me when you are ready.” He doesn’t say, “Follow Me once you have all of your affairs in order.” He says, “Follow Me.”

  • So, what does it really cost to Follow Him? Giving up sinful habits? Showing His love to our neighbors, all of them… not just family and friends? Spending time in the Word, digging in, and using His Word to guide your steps? Praying, believing, and spending time with Him?
  • What do we gain by Following Him? True peace that surpasses all understanding? Joy and hope beyond measure? A Father to walk alongside us in our troubles? And best of all, the gift of eternal life?
  • What things do you need to give up or take on to receive the full benefit of following Him?
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for giving Your only Son in exchange for an opportunity for eternal life for each of us. Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit that lives within us to direct our steps. Lord, let us be receptive to Your call to follow as You ask, and give us the courage to accept the call immediately and without hesitation. Amen.

Family Application: The Cost of Following Jesus

Author: Stephanie Hammontree

  • Do we ever use excuses to turn away from following and serving Jesus? I can think of a few: God is in the woods/lakes with the deer and fish. I can worship him there! And then there’s my biggie: God knows how tired I am today. He won't mind if I sleep in and just watch Church Online. Or, maybe this: God says we will be rewarded for our service, so I know He will be pleased when I buy this for myself. What’s your excuse?
  • Ask each person to explain what “control” means to them. Many children don’t understand this concept. Also, use this time to see where each person might be feeling “out-of-control.” Keeping the discussion gentle and supportive can help each member of the group feel accepted and encouraged.
  • Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for the Bible which has all the answers to all of our problems! Teach us through our reading of your words how to live a life that will make you proud! Help us to stop making excuses to follow you! We love you, Jesus! Amen.

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