The Lord, The Shepherd of His People

The Lord, The Shepherd of His People

Author: Olivia Woods
Jun 16, 2022

Reading Plan:
Psalms 23

The Lord, The Shepherd of His People
Author: Olivia Woods

We all recognize the beautiful and life-giving passage of Psalm 23 - the one we find rest and comfort in; the one we look to when we in fact ARE facing the valley of the shadow of death. But how often do we overlook the first verse where the Lord is deemed our Shepherd? This leads me to ask the question: Why do sheep need shepherds?

I found a couple of very practical answers at You see, sheep are very scared and anxious animals. They base almost every decision they make on how safe and protected they feel. When in the absence of a safe shelter, fencing, and a guardian to lead them, they fall prey to danger and predators waiting outside of the realm of security. Sound familiar?

We find ourselves searching for security in life, whether that be within a job, finances, relationships, or success, everyone is longing for a sense of peace through safety and security. I mean, this principle is second on the hierarchy of needs after our physiologic needs (food and shelter) have been met. It is human nature. This is not a new idea to God. He knows that a side effect of a sinful world is a people who long for safety and security. I believe that is why this passage exists.

We mirror sheep in an uncanny way. We search for peace and rest in things when only God can provide peace and rest, just as sheep wander towards things that catch their slightest interest. We exist among the enemy, just as wolves dwell among sheep. However, with the Lord shepherding our lives, His rod and staff protect us. We wander. We get distracted. We get close to the enemy. We find ourselves in dangerous situations. But the Lord is faithful in watching over His flock and protecting them from the known and unseen dangers.


  • What shepherds your life? Do you allow the Lord to guide your ways? Or do you search for safety and security within things of the world?
  • Has there been a time when you recognized that the Lord was not guiding your path and decisions? How did you ensure that you got back on the right track?
  • Prayer: Lord, allow my paths to be guided by You always. Shepherd my life so that I may glorify You even when my path becomes narrow or hard to see. You are always faithful and in control of the path. Allow for rest and peace in the seasons of both the spring meadows and the dark valleys.

Family Application: God is the Good Shepherd.
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • This is one of the most famous Psalms ever. This Psalm was written by King David. This Psalm tells us about who God is. One of the ways that it talks about God is that He is like a shepherd. You see shepherds take care of the sheep. It is the same with God. He is the shepherd, and we are His sheep.
    Read Psalm 23 and as you do remember that God loves you, and He takes care of you. He is the shepherd and we are His sheep. He loves and takes care of. Even in the hardest times, God loves us and takes care of us. How does it make you feel to know that God loves you and takes care of you? What do you want to say to God when you know He loves you and takes care of you?
  • Find someone who might not be having a great day or could use another friend. Tell them that God loves them and ask them to be your friend.
  • Prayer: God, You are the Good Shepherd! Thank You for always loving me and always taking care of me. Help me tell the world about how much You love them and care about them. Amen.

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