The Measure of Forgiveness

The Measure of Forgiveness

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Aug 21, 2024 | Luke 7:36-50

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Remember the story in Mark 2 where the friends busted through a roof to get their friend to Jesus? And the compelling reason they did so – the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sin (Mark 2:10).

Good news is only as good as the bad news is bad.

Read that again if you have to.

The story of the sinful woman in Luke 7 should take us straight to our knees in brokenness over our sin. The ground at the foot of the cross is level – all have sinned and fallen short of God’s holiness. The blood of Christ is the atoning sacrifice that satisfies the holy wrath of God. And the forgiveness it offers is available to all of us. Our sin levels the playing field. His forgiveness opens the door to salvation.

So, what is measurable? Our response to the grace we have been shown.

The lady in Luke 7 knew exactly what she was being saved from. She knew just how sinful she was. She didn’t need the pious men to remind her; she knew full well what she had done. And her response? An extravagant sacrifice of praise, which anointed our Savior for His extravagant sacrifice of life. Jesus, the Son of God and Man, has the authority to forgive sins THROUGH His blood shed on the cross.

How great is your sin? Great enough to separate you from a holy God.

How great is God’s love for you? Great enough to send His only Son to forgive your sins and reconcile you to Him.

Perhaps we should remember who we were before the Holy Spirit drew us into salvation. By remembering the sin that separated us from God, may we pour out an extravagant sacrifice of praise – through our lifestyles, our decisions, our behaviors, and by our generosity to God and others.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.

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