Why Parables?

Why Parables?

Author: Kelly Lambert
Sep 26, 2022 | Matthew 13:10-17

Again, we can see the disciples tripped up and confused by Jesus’s methods, as we do when we read stories of the disciples spending time with Jesus. The human side of the disciples is one of the many ways I find truth in God’s Word. I know that may sound weird, but when I read the Bible and learn that the people in the Bible were just that, people, it allows me to relate and see God’s desire to empathize with us and help us understand Him.
We see in this passage that Jesus just finished sharing a parable (simple story to illustrate a spiritual lesson) and the disciples ask him, “Why do you always talk in parables when you teach?” Jesus, in his true fashion, answered their question in a parable.
Matthew 13:12 says, “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”
I can see the Disciples’ head turn in confusion like a Golden Retriever’s head turns when they are trying their best to understand the English their owner speaks to them.
What I love is that Jesus goes a step further. Jesus is SO AWESOME!!!! He is the Expert Teacher!!!!! He reads their faces and then goes a step further and continues to explain.
He basically shares the reason, then He backs it up with a text that they have probably read before. Then, He goes even further and spells out the meaning of the parable in detail and in words that they can easily understand.
Wow, did you catch what Jesus did? Jesus proved to his Disciples and to us that if you ask, if you choose, if you seek to understand, He will help you understand. He will wait, He will listen, He will read you, He will help you understand, and He will make Himself and His ways completely known to you.
When Jesus answers the disciples on why he speaks in parables, he says, “Whoever has...” The “has” He is referring to is Him. He is not referring to money or possessions. He is saying whoever wants Him not only gets a piece, they get the whole thing!!!!!
So, I challenge you. Ask… Listen… Seek to understand. Just like Jesus did for the disciples, I know He will do it for you. Like He said in Matthew 13:12, “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.” You will receive and experience the fullness of Jesus Christ and what you receive will be abundantly more than you could ever imagine.

  • What is it that you need God to help you understand? Ask Him. Contact us at hello@venturechurch.org. We would love to listen to you and pray with you as you seek to understand.
  • Think on things that have happened in your life or someone’s life that you know could have only happened because of God. Write them down and thank God for showing Himself to you in His loving and timely way.
  • Prayer: Father God, thank You for showing Yourself to us and not holding back when we call on You or ask when we seek to better understand. You never stop amazing us. Thank You for Your goodness, Your vast knowledge, Your presence, Your desire to help us, and most of all, Your patience and the love that You have for all of us. Help us, God, to never be afraid to ask You and come to You for help and rest. In Jesus' Name!

Family Application: Understanding Parables

Author: Nichole McCardle
  • This week, our reading plan comes from the book of Matthew. We are going to learn about a few parables from Jesus. A parable is a simple story that illustrates a spiritual lesson. When teaching, Jesus often told parables, but his stories sometimes had a twist. They were not always immediately understood by everyone who was listening. In Matthew 13:10, Jesus’ disciples asked Him why he told parables. Jesus’ answer to them was simple, yet profound. Jesus told them, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” He later went to say that not everyone who hears actually listens. That may sound strange at first, but think about that for a second. Has your mom ever asked you to do a specific chore for her, in a specific way? You may have heard, “Can you please load the washing machine for me?” and stopped listening at that point, even though she was still talking. You may have thought to yourself “Ok, load the washing machine. I know how to do that.” But what you missed was her saying, “...But don’t put that bright red shirt in with the rest of the dirty clothes, because it will stain them all!” You heard her request, but you did not fully listen, and because of that, you missed a very important detail. This is similar to what Jesus is talking about. Not everyone who heard his stories fully listened because they did not fully know God, therefore they did not fully understand. The good news is that Jesus is always waiting and ready for us. If we ask, if we choose, if we seek to understand, He will help us understand. He will wait, He will listen, and He will make Himself and His ways completely known to you.
  • Are there things about Jesus that you don’t understand? Ask your parent, family member, or KXP leader to help you better understand the questions that you have.
  • Verse 16 says, “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” What a gift we have in Jesus and His words through the Bible! Share that gift with a friend this week by telling them how much Jesus loves them.
  • Prayer: God, You are the BEST! Thank You for loving me, no matter what! God, help me to open my ears to listen to what You want me to hear and open my eyes to what You want me to see. Amen.

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